She Left A Note To Save Her Leftover Chicken, But When Her Roommate Swiped It Anyway, It Led To A Huge Fight Over Boundaries
by Benjamin Cottrell

Living with roommates can make even saving your leftovers feel like a battleground.
One woman learned the hard way that even marking her food couldn’t prevent her roommate from taking what wasn’t hers.
Read on for the full story!
AITA for refusing to share my food with my roommate?
I (F26) live with (F25).
Last night, I brought home a rotisserie chicken I bought from the store.
I ate some of it and packed the rest away to cut up for sandwiches the next day.
I left a note on it with my name, implying that it was mine in the fridge.
But this note didn’t keep it safe.
I woke up this morning, and the entire chicken was gone.
I texted her about this, a little upset because I didn’t have anything else to take to work.
Her roommate didn’t respond the way she expected.
I got a very nasty reply where she basically told me I didn’t need to eat that much chicken. :/
I texted her back, telling her that anything in the fridge she didn’t put there should be left alone, and that solves that.
She feels her roommate has left her no choice.
I hate coming across like this, but I feel like I have to. :/
AITA here?
It’s not just the fridge that’s cold…
What did Reddit think?
The roommate is in the wrong here — no question about that.
The roommate would definitely feel differently if it was her food that was being stolen!
This roommate truly has the nerve.
Hasn’t this roommate ever heard of leftovers?
She’ll be chowing down on a hot plate of resentment.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, annoying roommates, bad roommates, personal space, picture, reddit, roommate drama, roommates, rude people, sharing, sharing food, stealing food, top

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