July 16, 2023 at 10:49 pm

Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Telling People Why Her Friend Had a Cash Bar at Her Wedding

by Matthew Gilligan

AITACashBar Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Telling People Why Her Friend Had a Cash Bar at Her Wedding

Well, that’s a bummer…

A cash bar at a wedding?

That doesn’t sound very cool!

And this woman wants to know if she acted like an a**hole when she revealed why her friend had a cash bar at her wedding.

Take a look at her story and see what you think.

AITAH for exposing my friend’s reason for a cash bar at her wedding?

“I (40sF) have a friend (40sF) who recently got married, I am close enough to her to have been in her wedding.

When we were planning her wedding with her, she kept mentioning how she was on a budget. Thankfully she has connections and was able to put together an amazing dream wedding within her budget. With a guest list of about 200 people, they invited 300 but 200 RSVP’d yes.

Her venue was a gift from her uncle who owns a wedding venue in New England. Her catering was gifted to her from a friend who owns an amazing restaurant. Her flowers were a gift from her aunt who is a florist. Their rings were heavily discounted from a friend who works for a jewelry company and let her use their discount, so they paid cost.

Her DJ and photographer were also gifts, as one of the members of the wedding party has a family event entertainment business. I guess what I’m trying to convey is that a lot of her wedding was gifted to her. Her largest expenses with the wedding were her dress and their rings. No shade, the wedding was amazing, she looked stunning, and everyone had a fantastic time.

At the wedding itself, there was a cash bar. The bride and groom aren’t big drinkers, so I can totally get why they wouldn’t want to fund anyone else’s total buzz on their dime, especially when they were trying so hard to save for their honeymoon.

After their wedding they had saved enough to be able to honeymoon for a month in Italy.

Roughly two months after their wedding, she and I got together for dinner. She showed me pictures from her honeymoon, and they were gorgeous! I told her again how happy I was for her, them, and we ordered. About halfway through dinner she dropped a bomb on me, and I was absolutely stunned, actually I was pi**ed.

She told me that a family member of hers owns a liquor store and gifted all the alcohol for her wedding to them, all she had to do was find someone to be the bartender. She asked one of the event bartenders at her uncle’s venue if they wanted to make some extra cash. She offered them 20 an hour plus tips and then told all of her guests that the bar was cash, and they used that money towards their honeymoon fund. Her reception lasted roughly 4 hours.

I went up to bar a few times, and because she set the prices as standard, I probably spent about $100 on four or five drinks plus tips. With 200 guests, some were drinking more, some were drinking less. If I use my amount and average it out, she made roughly $20,000 on her wedding!

That doesn’t include the gifts people gave her! I personally gave her a $200 check. I realize these number are speculation, but that’s all I have to go on since she didn’t give me an actual amount. She did say that the bar money covered a lot of the honeymoon.

I was seeing red, I got up from the table and told her that since she made so much money off of me, she could cover my dinner. Then I texted the bridal party group chat and told them what she told me. The chat blew up. I wasn’t the only one that was pissed.

This is where I think I might be TAH. I didn’t have to tell everyone else what she said, and I didn’t have to walk out of dinner.

AH or not, I know that I probably can’t look past this and will not continue this friendship, but I also don’t know if I should try to mitigate the fall out with the rest of the friend group because it wasn’t my information to share.

So please tell me AITAH?”

Check out what people had to say on Reddit.

One reader said she’s NTA and that her friend made a bad move.

Screen Shot 2023 06 25 at 8.59.30 AM Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Telling People Why Her Friend Had a Cash Bar at Her Wedding

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual also said she’s NTA and that she manipulated her guests into spending money.

Screen Shot 2023 06 25 at 8.59.44 AM Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Telling People Why Her Friend Had a Cash Bar at Her Wedding

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said it sure doesn’t sound like she’s on a budget…

Screen Shot 2023 06 25 at 8.59.59 AM Woman Asks if She’s Wrong for Telling People Why Her Friend Had a Cash Bar at Her Wedding

Photo Credit: Reddit

Here’s the deal… if this woman is really that angry about something as meaningless as $100… she’s not really friends with this woman.

Also… spiteful much? Good lord.