December 17, 2023 at 2:45 am

Argue With Me Because Your Friends Got In Free And You Had to Pay $2? Don’t Worry, I’ll Make Sure They Pay Too!

by Ryan McCarthy

Source: Reddit/AITA/iStock

If there’s one person you DON’T want to mess with, it’s the bouncer at your local bar! It’s a place you want to be on the friendliest terms with the staff as possible, because you’re inevitably gonna want to come back every weekend!

This redditor, who works as a bouncer at their local bar, taught that to one of his patrons the hard way when they got their neck out of joint about a 2 dollar cover!

Why did they get in for free? Let me fix that.

I used to work as a bouncer/doorman at a bar that charged a $2 cover on weekend nights. Everyone paid to get in with only one exception, party busses.

We had an agreement with the different party bus operators that if they brought their groups to our bar they would get in for free.

So one night I’m working and a guy comes in with his girlfriend and I tell him its 2 bucks a head.

To think, all of this over a two dollar cover?

He grumbles about it and I give him the same line I tell anyone who complains: “A $2 cover is the cheapest thing you will buy here tonight, if you can’t afford it you might want to go somewhere else.”

He doesn’t want to look cheap in front of his lady, so of course he pays.

A couple minutes later he’s back saying he just talked to some people who didn’t have to pay, and wants to know why he got singled out.

This is where people need to learn to keep their mouth shut, especially over a grand total of 4 dollars!

 I tell him about the party bus rule and say those people must have come in on a bus. He motions towards some people sitting with his girlfriend and tells me, “You didn’t charge my friends, and they didn’t come on a bus.”

I recognized the people and when they came in I asked them if they were from the bus, and they had said yes. So they lied to me, It happens and normally I wouldn’t worry about it.

Come on dude, nobody likes a snitch!

I tell him, well it sounds like I made a mistake, I guess its their lucky night. (That’s my hint to him that he should let it go) That’s not good enough for him. He gets louder and keeps demanding I refund his $4 “to keep things fair”.

I’m sure his date was very impressed at this point, he sounds like a real catch!

I tell him, “You’re right. It’s not fair. Let me fix it for you.”

He smirks because he thinks he’s getting a refund, but he doesn’t realize all I’m giving is some sweet MC.

His smirk disappeared when I stepped away from the cash drawer and walked over to where his friends were sitting.

In my most polite voice I said, “Hey, sorry to bother you guys, but there’s a $2 cover tonight and your friend here told me you didn’t pay. I must have misheard you when I asked if you were with the party bus, but I need to collect the cover from you now.”

If I were his friends, I would be making him pay my cover. Especially after I already thought I was in the clear!

I collected their covers, smiled and loudly thanked him for being so honest.

Then I walked back to my post and watched them proceed to rip him a new one.

Reddit loved watching this guy get what he deserved for being such a pest, and many agreed that you had to be really cheap to argue over four dollars!

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another user felt bad for the poor girl, who got abandoned so her date could argue with the bouncer! Talk about a red flag!

Source: Reddit/AITA

And another user recalled a night where she WAS that poor girl, having to watch her date argue over a $1 coupon!

Source: Reddit/AITA

This guy definitely was in the dog house with his friends.

Pro tip: don’t be this guy.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.