Stepdad Makes A “No Stealing Food” Rule For His Stepdaughter, But When The Tables Are Turned He Makes Empty Excuses
by Matthew Gilligan
This is a rough one…
Any time you hear a story from a young person who is really going through hard times because of family issues, you gotta feel for them.
And the teenager who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page wants to know if she’s wrong for feeling the way she does about he living situation.
Check out her story and see what you think.
WIBTA if I tell my parents I dont want to live with my mum because of my stepdad?
“My (f17) parents have been divorced for 12 years. I’ve spent equal time at their houses since.
7 years ago, mum started dating Gary (m40s, fake name). Ever since they started dating I’ve never liked him.
These two are not fans of each other.
We butt heads, he gets enjoyment out of making people angry, and Gary has taken his anger out on me.
One time, he called me an ******* and blamed me for his and my mums temporary breakup (I was 11).
He blamed me because I first expressed discomfort about him to my mum. Ever since, I’ve felt fear of being myself or expressing anything but fake happiness around him.
Since 2020, my mum and siblings moved into Gary’s house and it’s only made the tension worse.
The times when I haven’t taken his bait and not react to his inflammatory comments, he’s called me a miserable jerk.
It’s very confusing for a young kid.
But if I stand up to him or question him, he threatens me with kicking me out because I’m ungrateful. I don’t like living with him, I lock myself in my room to avoid him during weekends. I don’t know how to act around him.
My dad knows how I feel about Gary. Before we moved in with him, dad and I made a deal to try get along with him. For the most part I just smiled and nodded, only speaking when spoken to.
I find it so hard to even “try” to get along with him when I know he likes to try make me upset. Anytime I’ve slipped up and spoken up, dad’s told me to keep trying to keep the peace. I’ve thought about being at my dads more to avoid Gary.
And then it happened…
Here’s the incident that’s tipped me over the edge lately.
For context, there’s a rule at our house about food stealing, if it has someone else’s name, you aren’t allowed to eat it. A rule Gary made.
I had a packet of chocolate in the fridge which he saw me write my name on it.
One day, I go to have some chocolate and I saw there was less chocolate in the packet than when I left with.
Gary grins at me and said “that was some good chocolate RamenNoodles”
I was stunned for a second. This is where I might be an *******.
I snapped “You broke your own rule, Gary. My name was on the packet. What gives?”
This guy is a jerk.
Gary snapped back “Well, I never made that rule.”
My mum (who was in the vicinity) said “Yes, you were the one who made the rule”.
Gary pulled out some snacks from the pantry. He basically said “Well I buy all this food for you, should I label it too? If you can’t share yourself then you’re so overdramatic, honestly.”
Then he left.
I was flabbergasted. My sister later said he labelled all the snacks in the pantry and fridge with my siblings names, but not mine. I don’t care about him eating my chocolate, I care about how he can’t apologise and plays immature games.
I’m sick of constantly feeling like I’m playing a character too scared to speak out. I want to spend more time at my dads house away from Gary because of stuff like this. WIBTA if I admitted this?”
Here’s how people reacted on Reddit.
One person said her mom should feel bad.
Another individual said she’s NTA.
This reader offered some advice.
Another individual said she might want to get the courts involved.
And this person thinks she needs to keep track of everything…
Honesty is the best policy, right?
Let’s hope they get it figured out!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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