May 23, 2024 at 4:33 am

Their New House Comes With Nightmare Neighbors Who Keep Bugging Them To Have Access To Their Backyard Pool

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Unsplash

What is it with all these people that think they can just help themselves to other folks’ pools?

It’s wild!

But it keeps happening over and over…

So is this person wrong for how they’re acting?

AITA for not letting my neighbors access our pool?

“My spouse (45) and I (46) bought a house on February with a pool.

It’s a non HOA single family home. We keep to ourselves.

Have friends over occasionally and we enjoyed having people over for food, drinks, and of course swimming pool parties now that the weather allows for it.

Things got weird.

We fit in the neighborhood, or so we thought until neighbors from 3 surrounding homes and us got into a weird conversation around their expectations to access the pool for weekend and holiday pool parties.

Apparently, the owners before us had kids and were friends with the neighborhood kids. The neighborhood kids and adults would use the pool when they wanted to.

The gate was always open and they even had their inflatables near by and had arranged paying for the maintenance of the pool.

Sorry, but no…

We told them that we’re fairly private people and enjoy our privacy and don’t see ourselves letting neighbors having access to our backyard whenever they want.

Each time any of us are wandering around outside, they just ask over and over and try to sell the idea of having access to it.

They offer money and sharing the maintenance fees and such.

I was trying to enjoy gardening and was cornered once again.

I just really firmly told them that they really need to stop talking about the pool each time they see us, stood up and left.

As I was walking back towards the gate to the backyard (within our property line), they were following me talking my ears off.

One of the lady/mom was STILL going on and on because ‘she asked nicely and offers to pay for the maintenance and that she really didn’t understand why I was so against it”.

I turned around and asked them to leave now and never follow me on my property ever again.

This is getting old…

We politely decline over and over. And we are seriously getting tired of the nagging and the pool and their access to it being the only thing they want to connect with us about.

It’s not like we created a bond or anything. All convos are about the pool.

We had a party yesterday evening and as I was showing the front yard to my friend, my neighbor popped up and was talking about how it must be nice to be invited to enjoy the pool.

And I said to her “Can you go now? I’m having company!!!!”.

AITA for not wanting neighbors to have access to my property and seriously losing my patience with their expectations?”

Now let’s see what Reddit users had to say.

This reader said they’re NTA.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another person sounded off.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another person offered some advice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Talk about nosy and persistent neighbors!


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