July 30, 2024 at 12:51 am

She Let Her Irresponsible Friend And Kids Live With Her While They Got Back On Their Feet, But They Didn’t Follow The Rules So She’s Asking Them To Leave

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit

This kind of stuff makes my blood boil

I’m talking about people being rude in other folks’ houses and taking advantage of them.

It’s awful!

And this woman finally got fed up with her freeloading friend and gave her the boot.

Did she do anything wrong?

Let’s take a look!

AITA for kicking my friend and her kids out of my house?

“I (F30) told a friend (F38) that her and her three kids (M15,F13,F11) could stay with me for two weeks while she went to DSS to file for rental assistance.

This sounds like a bad situation.

I had already found multiple apartments that would work for her.

I have two children of my own (F8,M2). Her children sleep all day and yell at mine for being noisy in their own home in the middle of the day.

She has decided that it is unfair for her children to be bound to the rules of my house which includes that there is to be no roughhousing or video games played outside my children’s bedrooms once I have put them to bed and no children allowed in my bedroom.

The only exception made to this rule is from 8:30 pm -8 am as the youngest was sleeping in my room with her mom.

Well two weeks turned into over a month.


She never went to DSS and spent most of her time outside drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana (activities not permitted in my house).

I am also in a subsidized housing program and can’t have people living with me which she is fully aware of and why the agreement was two weeks (the maximum length of time I’m allowed to have house guests per my program).

Time to go!

So we are at a point where we are jeopardizing mine and my children’s housing because she didn’t hold up her end of the deal.

I told her that she couldn’t stay here anymore and that it was not negotiable.

So now I’m the bad guy in the eyes of our mutual friend (F40) and my sister (F28) because now she “has to couch hop” with her kids because she won’t go to a shelter even though that would get her help faster.”

Here’s how people reacted.

This reader said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

Another individual agreed.

Source: Reddit

This person spoke up.

Source: Reddit

Another reader chimed in.

Source: Reddit

And this person said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

Sorry, you wore out your welcome!

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.