September 9, 2024 at 10:51 am

She’s Told Her Sister She Can’t Attend Her Wedding Since Her Nephew Opposes It, But Her Sister Tells Her She Needs To Come Or Risk Ruining Their Relationship Forever

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Remarriages and blending families is never an easy row to hoe.

When two of the future stepsiblings already have bad blood, one has to wonder if it’s even worth trying.

But not this mother, apparently, who is fine with choosing her future marriage over her relationship with her son.

Read more and find out why the bride-to-be’s sister is siding with her nephew.

AITA for my refusal to attend my sister’s wedding?

Older sister (41f) is getting married to her partner of 3ish years in a month. Older sister and her partner both have children.

My sister has a 14 year old boy and 10 year old girl. Her partner has a 14 year old girl, 13 year old boy and 11 year old girl.

The relationship is controversial.

My nephew (14) has been having trouble with the 14 year old girl since the third grade and this actually escalated when they were doing virtual classrooms.

She would write a lot of insults about my nephew and used the voice feature to target my nephew.

But still my sister and her partner started a romantic relationship and even moved in together.

Her nephew has made no secret how he feels about all of this.

My nephew expressed a lot of unhappiness about this. So did his grandparents (bio father’s parents, he’s not involved but they were always very generous in helping my sister with my nephew).

My sister stopped all contact with the paternal grandparents as a result of them speaking up.

When my sister and her partner got engaged my nephew didn’t take it well. There was a public scene where he told everyone present that she was marrying his bullies dad and didn’t give a shit about him.

My sister was furious. Nephew was devastated that his mom was marrying her partner even knowing how he’d feel.

Her sister doesn’t want to hear about it, not even after her son was removed from her custody.

My sister didn’t want to hear from anyone, including me, that it was a bad idea and she risked losing her son.

She told me he didn’t get to dictate her life and they’d deal with the bullying but he was being unreasonable about everything.

I told her my nephew deserved space away from the girl and she told me he can’t pick his family and siblings fight sometimes.

Two months ago my nephew ran away. He was gone for 2.5 weeks and we were searching everywhere. He’d wanted to go to his grandparents but worried they’d get into trouble.

CPS intervened when he was found and my nephew was removed from my sister’s home and was given a placement with his grandparents, which was his first choice.

I talked to him since and he said he was glad he was removed. He said he had been prepared to keep running away and he told the social worker that and more.

We’re in touch frequently and I get to visit him.

My sister could visit but my nephew doesn’t want to see her. But she’s proceeding with everything like normal.

We fought over her picking the relationship over nephew. She told me I’ll never understand.

She said she’s not going to the wedding because she doesn’t support the marriage, but her family thinks she’s wrong.

My invite came in the middle of all this and I RSVP’d no. I made it clear I would not attend this wedding after everything that’s happened.

My sister and parents told me I should put aside the family troubles and attend or risk the relationship forever.

I told them I stand by my nephew over my sister.


This sister sounds like a real piece of work.

Let’s hear what Reddit has to say about it!

The top comment says good for her for standing her ground.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Why would she want to have a relationship with a sister like that?

Source: Reddit/AITA

This should be a no-go until the kids’ issue is resolved.

Source: Reddit/AITA

The nephew is a better choice than the sister.

Source: Reddit/AITA

No one understands, honestly.

Source: Reddit/AITA

How can any mother choose a partner over a child?

Some people obviously never should have been parents in the first place.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.