September 10, 2024 at 10:46 pm

Her Parents Went On A Wild Rant About Their Son-In-Laws Parenting, But She Says They Owe Him A Genuine Apology If They Expect To Be Invited Over Again

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/alleksana

Imagine your parents judging your spouse for years before supposedly changing their tune – or at least, biting their tongues.

Then they slam him out of the blue for something minor, and when you finally call them out, they act like you’re the villain.

Welcome to the mess this young lady is dealing with, and we’ve got all the details below!

AITA for telling my parents they owe my husband a real and heartfelt apology to my husband if they ever want to be invited to anything?

I (27f) met my husband Jamie (27m) in high school.

He was the boy with the bad reputation for dumb s**t, and by dumb s**t I mean, not stuff he did but stuff he didn’t do, like going home or having an adult around him.

His mom was an addict who didn’t let him come home before 12am on any given night. So he’d spend his time in different places which made adults think poorly of him.

By the time people realized it was because he had a bad mother they judged him for her actions.

My parents were some of those judgmental people. They’d see him out past dark and make comments.

Classic case of blaming the kid for the mom’s mess.

They were awful when Jamie and I started dating.

I told them they considered themselves Christian and should be more understanding and welcoming of someone who didn’t have a good home life.

They’d say he wasn’t trying, like he could do anything about his mom.

They judged him for not going to college. They deemed him lazy for not going even though he held a job until he was 14 and with the help of the couple he’d worked for, went to trade school.

My parents were so s***ty about it all that we didn’t talk for a whole year.

Then they reached out via my siblings to apologize to me and they appeared to accept Jamie and realize they had been wrong about him.

Geez, he was just trying to make the best of a tough situation.

Jamie always got along with my siblings. But he started to get along with my parents too and it was nice.

We got married two years ago and we welcomed our first baby together in June.

Last month we had a big fight.

They showed that they kept their opinions to themselves for this long but they never saw Jamie as a good person, they always saw him as trash.


And it all started because Jamie was alone with the baby for an entire day and they were horrified I trusted him to watch our child without me there.

They spewed such hateful things about Jamie that aren’t true.

He’s an amazing dad and husband. He’s not his mother. He has never been in trouble with the law.

So the fact they spoke about him like he was some criminal? I was so pissed.

I kicked them out and told them I was done with them.

We’re still good with my siblings which is where this post is taking us. We started talking Christmas and Jamie and I said we’d host them.

My mom was trying to get my siblings to ask me if I’d come to Christmas dinner at their house with the baby.

One sibling said Jamie and I were hosting.

Upon learning that my mom took said siblings phone and called and asked me how I could leave them uninvited.

Mom’s got some nerve.

I told her if they ever want to be invited to anything again they will truly reflect on their actions and words and make a real and heartfelt apology to Jamie.

But that is the only way. And it has to be real and to him and not me. I then hung up on my mom.

My parents are now claiming I’m trying to blackmail them, which I don’t think they truly know what that means.

And a text (I assume is from mom) accused me of being disrespectful of my parents and saying you can’t demand an apology.


So it looks like the parents have some serious making up to do if they want back in the family’s good graces.

Let’s see what Reddit had to say about this…

This person says she is absolutely not the AH.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this one says she should probably just disown the parents at this point.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person says they’re doing their best.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Looks like they’ve got some groveling to do if they want to RSVP to the next family event.

It doesn’t sound like they’ll be willing to swallow their pride and do it, though.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.