October 6, 2024 at 7:21 am

She Offered To Pay For Her Friend’s Son’s Special Education Services, But Then Her Friend Insulted Her And She Changed Her Mind

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/AITA/pixabay/ JESHOOTS-com

It’s nice to have a friend who can help you out financially when you’re have trouble paying for important things.

In today’s story, one friend offers to help another to pay for special education services for the friend’s son, but now she wants to stop paying.

Find out why in the story below…

AITA for discontinuing payments of my friends sons special education advocate services?

My (30s F) friend and I recently had a huge falling out.

Long story short, she called me awful, unwarranted names, which has left me completely hurt and confused.

Here’s how it started: she was considering signing her son up for the Young Marines program but decided not to.

I suggested the Boy Scouts instead, since my daughter is in Girl Scouts and we’ve had amazing experiences.

She wasn’t interested, which was fine, but when I told her I needed to hop off the phone to take a call from my brother, things took a turn.

Her friend insulted her over and over again.

She texted me right after saying she “didn’t know I was going to be on my broomstick today” (witch insult?), and it just escalated from there.

She went on to call me a “low life,” a “disappointment,” and other vile names.

I’ve never had anyone speak to me this way in my life! I told her that until she apologized, I couldn’t speak to her.

Well, her “apology” was more of a non-apology where she said she should “learn to ignore people who trigger her.” I mean, what?!

She has been paying for her friend’s son’s special education.

Here’s the problem: her son is a handful and needs special education services.

After she splurges on hair extensions, nails, etc., she said she couldn’t afford the $200 per month for 6 months that his services cost.

Before all this drama, I generously offered to cover half of it. I’ve already paid $100 this month to the advocate handling his case.

Her friend seems to be throwing money away on expensive splurges.

But now I see her flaunting pictures of her and her kids at Disneyland, holding giant lollipops and bags of merchandise.

She’s also talking about buying a new Cadillac after getting a large check from her sister.

Meanwhile, I’m feeling like a complete sucker for offering to help out, given her behavior and priorities.

AITA for wanting to stop paying after how she treated me?

She should definitely stop paying, not just because of how her friend treated her but because it seems like her friend can afford it.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader thinks she should stop paying.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader lists criteria someone would need to meet in order to help them out.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader points out that the friend is taking advantage of her.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another person thinks she should end the friendship.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It definitely seems like the friend isn’t a very good friend.

And we don’t lend money to bad friends, right?

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.