October 15, 2024 at 7:48 pm

New Stepmom Treated Them Like Garbage. So When They Finally Had Enough, They Moved Out And Took Their Dad With Them.

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

This is the stuff that movies are made of

This story has it all: broken family, an evil stepmother, innocent animals, etc.

But it does have somewhat of a happy ending…

Read on and see what went down.

Scream at me until I cry? My dad will take away your marriage, your home, and your job.

“The Backstory

After 20 years of marriage, my parents got divorced.

It sucked. I was 17 and chose to live with my dad.

About a year later, Dad decides to start dating again.

He meets this lady who we’ll call B. I like B on the spot. She’s pretty, she’s friendly, she’s funny, and we both love Disney movies, cats, and tea.

Her kids and grandkids are pretty awesome, too. B has a minimum wage job as a stocker at a chain store that uses a bullseye at its logo.

She loves this job and REFUSES to get another. (This will be important later.)

It’s a whirlwind courtship and she and Dad get married after three months.

I’m iffy on that, but Dad’s happy, so I grin and bear it.

Times were changing…

We move out of our cozy apartment and into a nice trailer with B. It’s going okay, until she decides she wants a dog.

Dad does not like dogs, and I’m admittedly more of a cat person, but B wants her puppy and we agree.

She goes to the pound and picks the ugliest chiweenie I have ever seen in my life.

Don’t get me wrong, I love chiweenies, but this one just looked… off. We’ll call this dog Cuddlebug, because she was one.

The clerk who sold Cuddlebug told Dad and B she was well behaved, housebroken, and just wonderful.

I didn’t have a job, so I stayed home taking care of things.


That’s how I found Cuddlebug was not, in fact, housebroken. She also liked to raid the trash. She didn’t like to play either.

She was sweet, she liked to run, she liked to cuddle, but that was it.

I got tired of cleaning up trash and dog poop/pee in the trailer, so I took B aside and told her, nicely, what was going on with Cuddlebug.

Several times.

The Nope

Suddenly, B did not find me an ideal roomie.

I was admittedly lazy, but rather than take me aside and say, “quit the bull **** and do your share of the housework” like a regular, sane person (or even resort to a decent revenge, like putting the dirty dishes in my bed), she decides to let the irritation build up until she explodes.


Almost literally. Screaming and swearing at me at the absolute top of her banshee lungs, attacking my personality, my intelligence, and my mental health issues.

And there’s nothing wrong with her baby, I’m just acting like a spoiled brat because I didn’t get to choose the dog myself.

Trying to reason with her is pointless. Anything I try to say in my defense, she twists into an attack on her or her precious fugly garbage-chomping mutt.

The first time I was shocked.

The second time on, I started crying. Not noisy sobbing like I was prone to, just terrified, utterly silent tears.

One time, I grabbed my purse and ran out of the trailer in a panic because I couldn’t take anymore of her abuse.

Thanks for nothing, Dad…

My dad is non-confrontational, so he just sat there in silence for the most part when B flew off the handle, slowly getting fed up.

Eventually, we’d both had enough.

B starts shrieking at me again (over what, I forget), and when I try (again, fruitlessly) to reason with her, she cuts me off, accusing me of not letting her talk during these “discussions”. I (foolishly) reply as gently as I could, “I’m letting you talk now.”

Her response? “Oh! You’re letting me talk now?! I don’t need your ******* permission to speak!” and more insults.

The Revenge

**** THIS. I’ve had enough.

Now, I’m a polite person, but I was politer back then. The worst swear word I would say was hell.

I looked B in the eye and yelled out as loud as I could, “Would you stop screeching at me?! My word choices aren’t going to be perfect! I’m not a ******* diplomat!!”

She actually shuts up and stands there bug-eyed as I unload the bitterness of months of abuse onto her, calling her out on her atrocious treatment of me, and admittedly a few choice names as well.

B put her foot down.

When I stop, she looks at Dad and says, “I’ve had enough of this disrespect. Kick her out or we’re getting a divorce.”

Dad looks at her, then me, and says, “Grab a change of clothes and your medication, kid. We’re out of here. See you in court, B.”

She just stares at him stupidly, in complete disbelief, as he walks to the bedroom to pack.

She literally could not fathom that he would choose his daughter of 18 years over his SO of 6 months.

We pack, grab my cat, and get out of there.

As we’re looking for a motel, I demand to know why Dad didn’t tell her to get out, as there’s NO way she can afford that trailer at minimum wage.

He told me, “Part of it is I just wanted out. I couldn’t take her yelling at you anymore. If you hadn’t yelled at her tonight, I would have. The other part? You’re right. She can’t afford that trailer by herself, and we all know it.”

I… what? Holy ****.

My dad is a nice person and doesn’t like confrontation. Tries to resolve everything as peacefully as he can, even if it means grabbing the short end of the stick, and by doing just that, he screwed her over.

It sounds like they made the right choice.

After maybe a week at most, we’ll be moving back into our cozy little apartment complex that’s close to everything and where the staff loves us, while she’s going to try to stay afloat out of pride and fail.

And fail she did.

When we came to get the rest of our stuff a few days later, we found a very unhappy Cuddlebug in a kennel. B did not like for Cuddlebug to be kenneled.

We also noticed that the kennel had a removable bottom for easy cleaning. Cuddlebug had shoved it out and **** on the floor.

A few months after the (incredibly volatile on her part) divorce, B was unable to keep up with her bills and had to quit her much-loved ****** job to move in with her son, his wife and their 3 kids (all under 7), over 300 miles away.

A year later, she sent Dad an email telling him she was doing well.

His response: “Why the **** do you think I would care?”

She never responded.

I love my daddy.”

Check out what folks had to say about this on Reddit.

This reader chimed in.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This person spoke up.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Better late than never…

You can’t just scream at people and expect them to take it forever.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.