October 16, 2024 at 8:48 am

Family Agrees To Birthday Breakfast, But Mom’s Classic Tardiness Turns It Into A Non-Starter

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

A birthday brunch with family should be a joyous occasion, but sometimes love can come with a side of frustration.

After planning a breakfast with his mother and sisters, a son arrives early only to find himself waiting for an hour while they’re nowhere to be seen.

Read on for the story.

AITA for leaving when family was late to meet me for breakfast on my birthday?

I want to start this by saying I love my family more than anything.

Even though they piss me off sometimes, they’re my people, be nice to them or I will hunt you down.

So today is my birthday.

About a week ago my mother and sisters made plans to meet me at a little brunch spot in the city near her house; only a short drive away.

How lovely.

We agreed to meet at 0700. My mom was driving my younger sisters who still live with her. I was driving in from out of town.

Something to know about me is that I can’t stand being late. It makes me feel sick in a literal sense, so I plan to be places early.

So despite getting stuck waiting on a train I still showed up to the dinner at 0650.

Something to know about my Mom (who i love dearly) is that she is always late, no matter the occasion.

Both of my sisters get truancy notices every year because they get dropped off late regularly.

I think the only reason my mother hasn’t been fired is because she has a government job.

We can see where this is going…

Well I hurry up and start waiting.

At 0720 I get a text from my sister saying “sorry brother, mom slept in today. We’re running late.”

I’m pretty upset at this point. I think to myself this is just her showing no respect for my time, or really me.

I can’t help but think of all the other times people have taken advantage of my patience. At this point I don’t want to have breakfast anymore.

I call my mom but she doesn’t answer. I wait another 3 minutes, before texting her saying “I’m leaving.”

Then I leave.

Well almost immediately after I left mom calls me and asks where I am. I tell her I left.

She starts talking about all the things she’s done for me, and that’s it’s wrong I couldn’t even give her a 10 minute grace period.

I say “oh I see, I’M the a**hole here” and I hang up.

I know arguments are pointless because nobody changes their minds.

This isn’t going well, is it?

Well I haven’t heard from my mother, but my little sisters are upset with me. I do feel bad about that.

They’re truly innocent, just in a bad position. I wish I was stronger for them, we all could’ve had a good morning.

So am I the a*****e on this one? Should I have waited, or gone back after leaving?

Sure, he wished things had turned out differently, but it’s hard to overlook how this pattern impacts their relationship.

What does Reddit think?

This person gives an alternative saying.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person is just appalled.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person just has all the sympathy.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Maybe the real birthday gift would’ve been a little punctuality.

Some people never change.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.