October 19, 2024 at 5:45 pm

Her Daughter-In-Law Has Made It Difficult To Have A Relationship With Her Grandkids, But Is Offended That She Seems To Favor Her Other Son’s Children

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Grandchildren are one of the greatest blessings in life and it is fun to spoil them.

What happens if your daughter-in-law makes it difficult for you to have a close relationship with them, so you end up being closer to your other grandkids?

That is what the grandma in this story is dealing with and she doesn’t know how to handle it.

AITA for playing favorites with my grandkids and when confronted by my DIL telling her that is due to her

This post is about my son and Amy (my DIL) they have been married for about ten years and have two kids.

They are 10 and 6.

At the beginning I really tried to get along with her but she made it difficult.

Not everyone is social and outgoing.

She is not very sociable, and always put her own mom over seeing her husbands side of the family.

This is really apparent with holidays and the kids.

She always chooses to go to her moms for holiday even if I do it on an early day or late day.

If I offer to babysit she always tells me she asked her mom or she would get back to me.

That would make it hard to get close to the grandkids.

The time I do babysit or get to hang out with the grandkids she is criticizing everything I do.

Usually saying that not how her mom or how she does it.

At the beginning my son was trying to fix this but gave up.

We see him separately from his wife and kids.

I truly don’t understand it and I have asked if I did anything wrong but no answer on that.

I gave up trying when my other son had kids.

It is so much better and I have a great relationship with my other DIL and the kids.

The kids are 9 (Ava my step-granddaughter) and 4 (grandson).

That was sweet.

I gave my Ava a family necklace that was my mothers.

She loves it and has been wearing it everywhere according to my son.

That also includes school which started this issue.

My DIL called me up and asked why Ava got a family necklace but her daughter (10) didn’t get one.

I told her I just wanted to give it to Ava.

She got angry and told me I was playing favorites and that her daughter is older so she should have gotten the necklace.

It’s understandable, but maybe try to use this as an opening to bond with the other grandkids.

I told her that yes I am playing favorites and it is due to her.

I pointed out that I do not know her daughter because of her.

That her kids will not be getting any of my family stuff because of her.

This was a huge argument and she called me a jerk and wanted me to give her kid a necklace.

I am doubting myself on this.


That is a very difficult situation.

It is important to try to build a relationship with the grandkids, even if DIL gets in the way.

Let’s see if the people in the comments have any advice.

This is a really good question.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person thinks it might all be about valuables.

Source: Reddit/AITA

DIL is the one limiting the relationship.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It would be good to hear the other side of the story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yes. Get to the root of the problem.

Source: Reddit/AITA

These two need to work on their relationship before worrying about anything else.

If they don’t, the kids will suffer.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.