He Wasn’t Supposed To Fall In Love Before Leaving For A Study Abroad Program, But When He Did His Dad Got Revenge On Him The Day Before He Left For Europe
by Jayne Elliott
It’s not very often that someone tells a story about how someone else got revenge on them, but today’s story is one of those stories.
A young man in high school is ready to leave for a study abroad program when he decides to use malicious compliance against his parents’ rules. Then his dad gets pro revenge on him. It all involves a truck, a long summer and love.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
Malicious compliance versus pro revenge
High school was horrible because I was a forever friend-zoned nerdy gamer guy, so I decided for my senior year I was going to get out of Ohio and study abroad.
I slept through three years of German so I applied to go to Germany. Ended up getting placed in Salzburg, Austria which is the most beautiful place on earth I’ve been to date and need to visit again soon.
The study abroad place had a few warnings for the next year before I left: don’t get in criminal trouble, don’t get bad grades and don’t fall in love.
My only danger with the first one was my lead foot, I totaled my first car but was allowed to drive my old man’s 95 ranger 4 cylinder 5 speed and it barely got out of it’s own way. The second one, I did enough to get C’s and B’s without caring much. The third one, ope.
OP fell in love.
Through some teenage angsty drama that is a story for another time I end up meeting, dating and falling madly in love with my now wife and mother of my daughter.
I am 17, work full time for summer. As stated my old man lets me borrow his truck after I get off work. The rules are I have to be home by 10 weekdays and 11 on weekends. He justifies this that if I broke down or whatever he’d have to come get me and fix the truck before he had to leave for work at 6.
To my turbo-charged hormones this is tyranny.
I spend every moment I’m not at work with my GF because boobs and making out are awesome. But summer is quickly coming to an end and I have to leave the country.
OP spent the night with his girlfriend.
The last day before I have to leave, my old man eases the restriction and says I can have until midnight to be home and can be gone all day.
We leave for NYC the next morning at 10. This is when I hatch a plan, I’m leaving the country so I can’t be given a worse curfew or extra chores and my family wouldn’t throw away the study abroad money unless it was dire.
I spend the whole day with my GF and tell her to wait up after I leave, I have a surprise.
I drive home and make it there at 11:58, creep in to my room and spend the next hour AIMing her. At 1 I roll the truck down the driveway and head back to her house, fall asleep with her in my arms, life is perfect.
OP thinks of his rebellion as malicious compliance.
I knew full good and well I was breaking the intent but not the letter of the law.
My argument was that my old man never said how early I could go to her house. I never woke up before noon so it was just left unsaid.
Perfect malicious compliance in my head.
The truck wasn’t there in the morning.
I wake up at 9, just enough time for a teary goodbye and to head home to head to NYC to fly to Vienna.
But I look out the door and the truck is gone.
I panic and realize I’m a dead man, my trip is off, I’m gonna have to work all the hours to pay my old man back for a stolen truck and wasted trip. I’m never going to have time to see my GF and I’ll never experience Europe like I wanted.
I call my old man in this panic to hear him answer with deafening silence upon hearing the news.
OP’s dad got revenge.
Now for my old man’s pro revenge.
He heard me roll in just before midnight and went fully to sleep.
He did not hear me roll out at 1 because years of playing dungeons and dragons taught me how to be a good sneaky archer type. But when he woke up at 6 and saw both the truck and I were gone, he knew there was only one place in the world I could possibly be.
So he and my step mom drove over to my gf’s and with the spare key took the truck and went home.
OP’s dad called back.
When he got my call a few hours later he gave a full 30 second beat and then began yelling and told me I better find his truck or I was never gonna see the outside of my room again much less my GF or Austria.
I’m freaking out running around her neighborhood asking if anyone had seen the truck about to call the cops when he calls back five minutes later laughing.
He tells me he stole the truck, and I was in trouble and I better be home fast. He makes me get a ride home with my GF and her mom.
When I arrive he is standing in the driveway smug as h***. I get berated for an entire 6 hour drive to NYC about how dumb I am and leave the country as planned.
The story had a happy ending.
It all works out in the end.
I got the girl who I am happily with 17 years later and the truck until she died of Ohio rust 12 years later.
I love that OP shared his malicious compliance and how his dad got revenge on him for his actions.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader loved everything about the story.
Another reader initially misunderstood the ending.
This person thinks OP is a great storyteller.
Another reader thinks OP’s dad is great.
This reader suggests OP might get similar revenge when his kids are older.
It definitely sounds like he appreciated how his dad got revenge on him.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · dad, girlfriend, picture, pro revenge, reddit, study abroad, top, truck

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