October 20, 2024 at 10:23 pm

Kid Was Bullied So Badly That His Teacher Got Fired, So Set Up A Plan To Make The Bullies Lives Horrible

by Chris Allen

Source: Canva, Reddit/ProRevenge

Middle school and high school are hard enough.

The seemingly-endless amount of tests and quizzes, the interpersonal drama; it can always feel overbearing in and of itself.

But when a bullying situation is thrown into the mix, the stress on a developing mind can leave lasting scars.

Well check out this story from Australia, where the bullied kid gets the last word in a profoundly destructive way.

I was bullied so much that they sent me to the hospital and got my teacher fired, So, I destroyed their lives.

When I start high school (I’m Australia we don’t have middle school) I just had moved to a new house and I didn’t know anyone, my brother got mentally ill.

This was caused by many factors, the biggest our dad moved (our parents broke up) 1 and a half hour away in car and 3 hours by train, this meant we could see once every 10 to 12 weeks.

We were considered quite smart, so we were placed in the extension classes (for everything expect English, which I was only getting C’s in compared to my A’s in every other subject).

This made us a bigger target for the bullies, so we got constantly bullied and our friends at our old school soon stop talking to us.

I had to be strong, because I’m the older brother (by one minute).

They then go on to explain how the bullying started.

And we get a dialogue script!

Part one: The start

I saw my brother getting picked on by three dudes.

I could see he was getting angry (which, if you know him, when he gets angry there is no way of getting out of it, he’s like something out of anime)

Me: Get away from my brother

Brother: Get out of my way

Bully 1: Are you going to hit back, you guys are truly weak.

Me: Leave, Brother, just leave, you got class (I said something on those lines)

Bully 2: Don’t forget this.

Then the bully threw something at them.

And he stood tall.

The dude threw something at my brother, which my brother caught (it turned out to be a ring box, or something like that).

My brother left and I stood there.

Bully 1: Look at this guy, your trying to look cool aren’t you

Me: No, just leave my brother and friends (who were also getting bullied by them) alone, if you’ve got to pick on anyone pick on me

(I remember that line so clear, because that was line that cause all of this)

Bully 3: Weak, you are weak.

Then the bullies started throwing stones.

Seems kind of…Biblical, no?

With that they grabbed a rock and throw at me, soon all of them started to throw rocks.

After a while they stopped, I got a few bruises on my arms and legs.

I left for class, the teacher asked why I was late, and I said something like “I fell down the hill on the way to class.”

She believed me and sent me to the sick bay.

They gave me an ice pack and sent me home.

It proceeded to get worse.

Part 2 – The worst day

So, after a week the bully completed disappeared … for my brother.

I was endless told that I was useless and my got punched in my bruised, they didn’t like me, I was the definition of a teacher’s pet, so yeah you can see were this is going.

Days went by, I told the teacher who pretty much laughed it saying, “No one would bully you, you are too nice.”

So, one lesson in science the teacher left, this was bad, my brother was also in this class.

I just started to do my work on my laptop. they took it away from me and because I was short, and they were tall I couldn’t grab it.

The bullies really leaned into their horrible behavior.

They made fun of me calling me useless like every other time.

Anyway, I gave up on grabbing, thinking they would get bored and give it back.

They did get bored and they gave it back… but they didn’t stop, they soon started to pick me up, saying stuff like “Look I can pick up 1 million kilograms.”

I couldn’t careless, after a like a minute they picked up my brother and throw him, yep that’s right, throwing him around.

They started to all do this, my brother had got angry and he punched one of them in the chest.

The violence in that classroom that day was shocking.

The guy picked him up again, this time instead of throwing him at the floor, they throw him at the window, that’s right, at the window/

smash the window, I ran over to the window to check if my brother was all right.

They grabbed me and threw me out with him.

The teacher got back to see a window smashed and two kids with glass shards all over them.

The teacher’s face must have been set in stone like that for the rest of the day.

I don’t know what happened after that.

But the next thing I remember was the hospital, we had just got stitches.

I refused to go to school for the next 2 weeks, the day I got back my friends asked me why I wasn’t at school.

They soon saw the scar on my arm, and well they told me all the rumors. Etc. that I passed, that I move schools, I still in hospital.

But I found out soon later that the science teacher got fired because of what happened.

A little payback begins.

Part 3 – the revenge.

You would think that I would switch school, but I didn’t want to switch because two reasons, one it would take to long to get to the next school which is about 20 minutes away from my house and second, I had already moved schools so many times, I didn’t want to do it again.

So, after they got my science teacher fired, sent me to hospital and cause me so much pain.

I decided to plan revenge.

I challenge them to a fight at “fight park” which is pretty much a park almost no-one knows about.

My brother had no clue this was happening.

The fight was planned for the next week.

He sets up his revenge plan in full.

Perfect I had enough time to set up my plan.

I started to take pictures of what they had done, so like bruises, the windows they broke, their lockers, which had drugs in them.

The list when on.

I was also able to get so videos girls tell them how they had been assaulted by them.

I then got their parents’ phone number.

Everything was planned, I called all their parents on the day, and told them to come to pick up their kids from the park at 3:30, 30 minutes after school from the park.

They asked me who I was all I told them is that I was on their friends.

The bait was cast, the trap swung into action.

School finished, I sent an email (from my home email) to everyone showing pictures and the videos.

Then I rushed to the park after 10 minutes of waiting for them they showed up, one against three.

The fight started I did move, they all started to punch me, I didn’t fight back, I did give the fake punch (which is just a punch that miss them).

After what felt like a while (but was only really like a minute) the parents started to show up they couldn’t see what was going on but could see them.

So, I scream and scream, one of the mothers got out of their car and saw her kid beating me up.

It sounds like parents got to the fight just in time.

The mother grabbed her child and the three of them stopped hitting me, she saw the other parents and dragged the kids to their cars.

I collapsed, I couldn’t move.

One of the dad’s came up to me asked me if I was okay.

I pointed at my bag, it took him awhile to realize what I was tell him.

He saw all the pictures. He showed them to everyone.

That father took me home, I had gotten not many bruises, I got one my chest but that was it.

On the way home I told him everything. He dropped me home and I fell asleep almost straight away.

The next day I told my parents that I had caught a cold and I stayed home.

My brother told me that the whole school found out about everything.

Their lives had been destroyed.

Through it all, you gotta feel proud of a kid like that.

There was a lot of confusion and questions flying around in the comments.

One person was slow-clapping from the back.

Source: Canva, Reddit/ProRevenge

While this commenter had some pretty intense flashbacks.

Source: Canva, Reddit/ProRevenge

One Redditor wasn’t sure if this story was in the right subReddit.

Source: Canva, Reddit/ProRevenge

But this person was wondering why the police weren’t involved, especially with the teacher being fired.

Source: Canva, Reddit/ProRevenge

Throw me through a window, shame your life got ruined.

Some bullies take things way too far.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.