March 14, 2025 at 5:49 am

Nonverbal Daycare Student Started Biting Other Kids, But A Daycare Teacher Doesn’t Want To Suspend Her Even Though That’s Usually The Consequence

by Jayne Elliott

kids playing at daycare


Working at a daycare can be pretty stressful when children don’t play nicely, and when their parents want the misbehaving children to have serious consequences.

In today’s story, a daycare worker would usually suspend a child for biting, but the little girl who is biting has a good reason to act out.

While she doesn’t think biting is okay, she understands why the little girl is doing it, yet she wonders if she should suspend her anyway.

Let’s read all the details.

AITA for telling my boss that if she wants this little girl to be suspended, she can tell the parents herself

I’m the lead teacher in a 2 year old room at a daycare.

I have a little girl in my class, Sophie, that has had an issue with biting the past couple days.

Sophie is usually very sweet and she’s very intelligent (she’s almost fully potty trained at 28 months old) but she has a pretty severe speech delay.

Her mom was taken to the hospital by ambulance last weekend and Sophie hasn’t seen her since the ambulance took her because the hospital doesn’t allow children under 5 to visit.

All of this is to say I strongly believe the biting is a reaction to the mom’s hospitalization and her inability to communicate.

Here’s how biting is usually handled.

The way biting is typically handled is the parents get a warning after the first incident, they’re suspended for 2 days after the 2nd incident, and we consider expulsion after the 3rd incident.

Everything up to expulsion is up to the lead teacher though, since our boss is never here.

Whenever Sophie bites, I still have her grandma sign the incident report but I don’t suspend her.

Her boss wants her to suspend Sophie.

On Wednesday Sophie bit a boy whose mom is friends with my boss.

His mom complained to my boss about the bite, and my boss told the mom Sophie would be suspended.

The boy got to school yesterday and saw Sophie, so my boss got another complaint because Sophie is still there.

Then my boss contacted me and told me I need to have Sophie’s parents pick her up because her friend is upset.

The boss didn’t suspend Sophie either.

But I refused.

I explained their situation to my boss so she might have a bit of sympathy, but she still insisted that Sophie couldn’t be there.

I told her that I refuse to suspend her while her mom is in the hospital and that if she wants Sophie to be suspended that badly she can come down here and do it herself.

Sophie is not suspended, but I still have to deal with a mad mom, and my boss is upset so I wanted to know if I am wrong for refusing to suspend Sophie.

Biting is not okay, but I understand why this teacher is hesitant to suspend Sophie.

Still, the biting needs to stop.

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story.

It’s not fair for the other children to suffer.

reddit comment

It’s not fair to put the other kids in a dangerous situation.

reddit comment

Sophie should be suspended.

reddit comment

Here’s the perspective of a person whose mom ran a daycare.

reddit comment

Everyone thinks Sophie should be suspended.

reddit comment

It’s okay to sympathize, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to break the rules.

All of the kids deserve to feel safe at daycare.

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