March 18, 2025 at 1:49 am

Man’s Girlfriend Wants Him To Miss Work To Go With Her To See Her Nephew When He’s Born, But He Doesn’t Want To Go

by Diana Whelan

woman holds baby's feet in her hand


There’s nothing like the birth of a baby to bring a family together—and apparently, extended boyfriends are required to attend, at least, the girlfriend in this story thinks that’s the case.

This guy thought he could sit this one out, but his girlfriend strongly disagrees.

Now, he’s stuck choosing between work responsibilities and a very long guilt trip.

What should he do? Let’s read all the details to decide.

AITA for not going to the birth of my girlfriend’s nephew?

So me (23M) and my girlfriend (24F) have been together for about 4 years.

Her sister is having her first baby currently in labour and the kids probably going to pop out today.

My girlfriend and her mom are driving 3 hours to the hospital to go meet the baby.

I am not, I work 8:30 – 5:30 everyday and according to my girlfriend I’m a jerk for not wanting to drive up after work and meet the baby then drive back tomorrow morning taking a half day off work.

Priorities are different for everyone.

Now I work in car sales so I can take a half day off but it’s close to the end of month and I have goals to hit so I can make some money and eventually buy a house for her and I.

This morning when I told her I wasn’t coming up to meet the baby she REEMED me out over text and is saying how rude I am and selfish because I won’t leave work etc.

He thinks there’s another reason his girlfriend wants him to go.

My girlfriend isn’t good with sleeping alone so I believe that’s the real reason she wants me to go up but I don’t think it’s right for me to go meet the baby after the mother has been in labour for more than 15 hours and it’s probably tired.

AITA for not going up?

Some people send flowers, some people visit the next day—and some people demand a three-hour road trip on zero notice.

Reddit had a lot to say…about how dumb it would be if he went (aka he’s NTA).

This person questions if he’s even welcome to the birth.

Screenshot 2025 03 04 at 8.48.15 PM e1741139487678 Mans Girlfriend Wants Him To Miss Work To Go With Her To See Her Nephew When Hes Born, But He Doesnt Want To Go

Like, she will probably not even WANT him there.

Screenshot 2025 03 04 at 8.48.30 PM e1741139494278 Mans Girlfriend Wants Him To Miss Work To Go With Her To See Her Nephew When Hes Born, But He Doesnt Want To Go

That seems to be the general consensus…

Screenshot 2025 03 04 at 8.49.06 PM e1741139499292 Mans Girlfriend Wants Him To Miss Work To Go With Her To See Her Nephew When Hes Born, But He Doesnt Want To Go

Looks like he’s delivering excuses instead of showing up for the delivery.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.