AN ELEPHANT MEETS A SEA LION Photograph by Michael Durham via The Oregon Zoo In this heartwarming photograph we see Chendra, an Asian elephant, meeting Gus, a sea lion at the Oregon Zoo. Chendra met Gus while she was on one of her morning walks around the zoo. Chendra is the…
Born in 1976, Suren Manvelyan started to photograph when he was sixteen and became a professional photographer in 2006. His photographic interests span from Macro to Portraits, Creative photo projects, Landscape, and much more. Suren’s photos have been published in numerous magazines and newspapers in Armenia and worldwide. His project, entitled Your beautiful eyes,…
FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE Photograph via moctodtidderptth on Reddit For almost two weeks, Manila, the capital city of the Philippines has been drenched by deadly rainfall with arrival of Typhoon Saola last week. For a startling gallery of the monsoon, check out this post on The Atlantic. While the weather…
The Golden Tortoise Beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata) is a widely distributed North American insect with a typical size of 5 -7 mm. Recognizable by their golden colour, they have the ability to change colours when disturbed. This color change is accomplished by microscopic valves controlling the moisture levels under the shell. Their preferred food are…
Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find the 25 funniest images, 10 most interesting articles, and 5 most viral videos from the previous week of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles typically originate from Twitter, RSS and email; videos come from a variety of sources. Any suggestions? Send a note to…
VINTAGE ACROBATIC INSANITY Photograph via Mapes on Reddit In this heart-stopping photograph we see three brave acrobats performing on a ledge located on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building in New York City. Unfortunately I was unable to find much additional information on the date/year of this photograph or…
Jon Rafman (1981) is an artist, filmmaker, and essayist. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy and Literature from McGill University and a M.F.A. from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His films and new media work have been exhibited internationally including at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome and the New…
Based out of Honolulu, Hawaii, artist and designer Won Park creates incredible origami pieces using only one dollar bills. What’s most impressive about Park’s work is that he designs them as well. He’s not just following directions, he’s inventing the blueprint for these amazing designs. A typical sheet of paper used for origami is…
ROOM WITH A VIEW Photograph by Jeremy Duguid on Flickr In this beautifully ‘framed’ photograph, we see the stunning Teton Mountain Range from the inside of Cunningham Cabin in Wyoming. Photographer Jeremy Duguid said he wasn’t even sure if he was going to post the photo to his Flickr account. It’s…
Photograph by Al McGlashan | (via Field & Stream) The original goal was simple. Tag the striped marlin for scientific research, and make an instructional video that demonstrates the proper way to release a marlin after tagging. Things were going smoothly. The marlin had been successfully tagged (1 of 2500 as part of…