Tag: biology

July 12, 2024 at 2:48 pm

Her Husband Kept Blaming Her For Having Daughters And Wouldn’t Accept A Child’s Gender Comes From Their Dad. Soon, His Mother Proved Him Wrong In Embarrassing Fashion.

Source: Reddit/AITA/pexels/RDNE Stock project

Anybody ever heard of Google?

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July 3, 2024 at 12:34 pm

Scientists Claim To Have 3D-Printed Functional Human Brain Tissue

Source: CTV News

Exciting advancements in the science of the brain. 

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February 14, 2024 at 9:45 am

New Study Suggests Our Fingerprints Aren’t Totally Unique After All

New Study Suggests Our Fingerprints Aren't Totally Unique After All

If you’re a fan of true crime or ever read Nancy Drew (or Hardy Boys) growing up, you probably have the idea that fingerprints will be the thing that nails people for crimes more often than not. And why? Because they’re totally unique, right? Well…not quite. For this new study, in fact, researchers used a neural network to…

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May 26, 2023 at 6:02 pm

Science Has Created A Modular Body That’s Living, But Not Alive

Science Has Created A Modular Body That's Living, But Not Alive

Well… this is creepy.

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October 4, 2022 at 11:24 pm

Could The Plagues Described in the Bible’s Book of Exodus Have a Scientific Explanation?

Could The Plagues Described in the Bible’s Book of Exodus Have a Scientific Explanation?

Flagellates could be the key.

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April 12, 2022 at 4:32 pm

Hammerhead Sharks Are Great Predators Because of Their Unusual Biology

Hammerhead Sharks Are Great Predators Because of Their Unusual Biology

The shape of their head is surprisingly helpful.

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April 19, 2021 at 3:22 pm

Twins Separated at Birth, Meet Each Other for the First Time After 54 Years

Twins Separated at Birth, Meet Each Other for the First Time After 54 Years

Can you imagine the wave of emotions they must have felt?

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February 9, 2021 at 2:10 pm

New Contender for World’s Smallest Reptile Discovered in Madagascar

New Contender for World's Smallest Reptile Discovered in Madagascar

At 13.5 mm, ‘Brookesia nana’ is the world’s smallest known reptile

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September 28, 2020 at 1:43 pm

Using Super Slow Motion to See How Different Insects Achieve Flight

Using Super Slow Motion to See How Different Insects Achieve Flight

Takeoff and flight sequences of insects spanning 8 different taxonomic orders captured at 3,200 fps

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