Young Apartment Owner Hung A Provocative Painting In Her New Apartment, But When Her Grandma Saw It Caused A Huge Argument
When it comes to art, you either “get it” or you don’t.
What would you do if you were with the film crew in Antarctica?
Vaccines are one of our best tools to prevent dangerous diseases, but they come with side effects. So would it be safer not to vaccinate?
“You gotta be really careful crossing these”, Bear tells the audience before doing the exact opposite
Osamu Tezuka’s “Kimba the White Lion” was created in 1950 and animated in 1965. “The Lion King” came out in 1994
One year ago, Turkish artist Zehra Dogan was sentenced to nearly 3 years in prison for a watercolor painting
TV personality Mike Rowe ruffles some feathers with his 2016 commencement address to Prager U
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