Old School Wallpaper Printing from the 1960s
A look back at how wallpaper designs were printed in the 1960s
A look back at how wallpaper designs were printed in the 1960s
It may look chaotic, but it’s surprisingly efficient and remarkably safe
Recliners, massage chairs, 3-course meals and the largest cinema screen in the world. South Korea knows what’s up
Kokichi Sugihara’s “Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion” is a finalist for the 2016 Best Illusion of the Year Contest
His passion and enthusiasm is a pleasure to see
Marble Mountain consists of 25 modular sections and measures 12′ wide, 8′ deep and 8′ tall with 32 possible paths for 300+ marbles
India is the world’s largest user of disposable cutlery with over 120 billion pieces discarded each year
The designers are extending the concept of terrariums and indoor grow lights into a hanging fixture
Covão do Conchos is a spillway for the Conchos Dam near Guarda, Portugal
Vox’s Joe Posner and 99% Invisible’s Roman Mars investigate bad door design and catch up with author, professor and scientist Don Norman to learn more
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