A Cat In Oregon Gave Its Owner The Bubonic Plague

How would your cat catch such a thing
How would your cat catch such a thing
Well isn’t this is just adorable. For context, this dormouse was found in torpor (a state of not being active and having very little energy) by conservationists, sleeping in a nesting box they had provided. He was only very briefly removed as part of a monitoring project to be checked and weighed to ensure…
Jessie Garza couldn’t figure out why a Blue Heron was hanging around his yard for the past week. Then on June 26, 2014 he discovered the reason. Huh! Some say Kathy still doesn’t care to this day.
Passing motorists save a prairie dog that got too big for its own hole, freeing the distressed rodent. The act of kindness was captured on dash cam and smartphone and took place on Olkhon Island in eastern Siberia.
If a hamster eating tiny burritos and a bunny eating raspberries can get nearly 20 million views in less than a month, surely rodents on turntables can stir up a fraction of that interest? Granted they aren’t as cuddly and cute, but those videos didn’t have turntables!
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