Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalov sneaked into the Shanghai Tower (still under construction) and climbed not only to the top, but scaled to the end of a crane that currently sits atop the roof. Upon its completion in 2014, Shanghai Tower will stand approximately 632 metres (2,073 ft) high and will have 121 storeys.…
If you’re interested in urban exploration, rooftopping, cityscapes and/or industrial architecture, the Sifter highly recommends the LiveJournal blog of Vadim Makhorov. Vadim is a talented photographer with a knack for finding vantage points of cities that most people will never experience. That is because him and his friends will ascend tall buildings and structures…
Mustang Wanted is a daredevil athlete from Kiev, Ukraine. On his website he releases heart-stopping photos and videos of himself climbing and hanging off of extremely high surfaces without the use of ropes or safety harnesses. The activity has become known as rooftopping or skywalking, a blend of death-defying stunts and photography that has…
THE EDGE OF INSANITY Photograph by Joe McNally | Earlier this week, internationally acclaimed photographer Joe McNally posted a heart-stopping photo to Instagram, saying: “My old battered shoes climbed the worlds tallest building today. What an amazing structure! Tweeting from 820 meters straight up!” The photograph was taken well above the…
Aurelie Curie is an urban and industrial photographer. On Flickr she has an incredible photostream of urban exploration (or Urbex) and rooftopping photos. ‘Rooftopping’ is a niche of Urban Exploration that involves scaling the roofs of tall buildings (usually without permission). In the series below you can see the dramatic photos that can result…
South Bridge, Kiev | Photograph by Vadim Mahorov @ Russian photographer Vadim Mahorov goes to death-defying heights for the perfect shot. While the thrill of scaling buildings, towers and monuments is part of the allure, the dramatic aerial landscapes Vadim captures are absolutely breathtaking. Although many are quick to lump Vadim with…