It’s hard to believe that there’s ANY unclaimed land left on the planet, but you learn something new every day. A piece of land along the Danube River between Croatia and Serbia is still unclaimed to this day due to a border dispute between the two countries. According to the video made by RealLifeLore, “From…
LITTLE HOUSE ON THE WATER Photograph by UROS PETROVIC In this morning photograph we see a tiny house on the Drina River, near Bajina Basta, a small town in Western Serbia. The Drina is a 346 km long river that forms much of the border between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. It…
A TINY RIVER HOUSE IN SERBIA Photograph by Irene Becker for National Geographic My friend Dan G. emailed me this wonderful photograph by Irene Becker that shows a tiny house in the middle of the Drina River near the town of Bajina Basta, Serbia. The capture was highlighted by National Geographic…