January 12, 2015 at 2:06 pm

These Overly Complicated Light Switch Covers are Awesome

by twistedsifter


Green Tree Jewelry has created a series of wooden light switch covers for your home that involve gears, levers, fulcrums and toggles to overly complicate the process of turning a switch on and off.

The San-Diego based design company specialized in creating products from wood including jewelry and kinetic art. According to the company’s website, Green Tree arose like a Phoenix from a tragic fire:

Lance Nybye Jr. & Sr. stumbled upon the idea of Green Tree Jewelry after a fire consumed their previous business of laser engraving bats. The bat business never made a full comeback after the 2008 fire, so they had to find a way to reinvent themselves. While attending weekend craft shows and weekday street fairs, they had the idea of using the equipment they already had for the previous business to make wood laser cut earrings.


You can see much more of their interesting artwork at online links below. Pieces are available for purchase through their website and Etsy.

[via Ripsaw99 on reddit]


Green Tree Jewelry
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overly complex light switch covers by green tree jewelry (1)

Made by Green Tree Jewelry
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy



overly complex light switch covers by green tree jewelry (2)

Made by Green Tree Jewelry
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy




overly complex light switch covers by green tree jewelry (3)

Made by Green Tree Jewelry
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy




overly complex light switch covers by green tree jewelry (5)

Made by Green Tree Jewelry
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy




overly complex light switch covers by green tree jewelry (4)

Made by Green Tree Jewelry
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy




overly complex light switch covers by green tree jewelry (6)

Made by Green Tree Jewelry
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy




overly complex light switch covers by green tree jewelry (7)

Made by Green Tree Jewelry
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy




overly complex light switch covers by green tree jewelry (8)

Made by Green Tree Jewelry
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Etsy





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