July 13, 2015 at 5:12 am

This Prosthetic Arm Lets Kids Build Attachments Out of LEGO

by twistedsifter

Prosthetic lets Kids Build Attachments Out of LEGO Carlos Arturo Torres Tovar (3)


What if kids could use their imagination to create their own tools according to their own needs; disabled kids needs are not always related to physical activity but often alternatively the social and psychological aspect; what if kids could make their own prosthetics and have fun at the same time?


IKO Creative prosthetic system



IKO is a creative prosthetic system designed for children to explore and empower their creativity in a playful, social and friendly way. The project was designed by Carlos Arturo Torres Tovar, of Umeå University in Sweden. The project was realized for his degree work in collaboration with CIREC (Colombia) and LEGO Future LAB (Denmark).


Prosthetic lets Kids Build Attachments Out of LEGO Carlos Arturo Torres Tovar (2)


Prosthetic lets Kids Build Attachments Out of LEGO Carlos Arturo Torres Tovar (1)


Prosthetic lets Kids Build Attachments Out of LEGO Carlos Arturo Torres Tovar (5)


Prosthetic lets Kids Build Attachments Out of LEGO Carlos Arturo Torres Tovar (4)




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