July 27, 2024 at 12:18 am

His Boss Wouldn’t Stop Picking On Him, So He Quit. Now He’s Making Sure The Whole Company Knows About Her Office Affair.

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

There’s revenge and then there isĀ revenge – like, the type of payback where no one at the office will ever look at your enemy the same way ever again.

This kid did his best to keep his head down and work hard, but when his mean boss just wouldn’t let up, he’d had enough.

I’m betting she did not expect the parting gift he left when he skedaddled.

Check out the whole story below!

Neighbor’s Son gets Memorial Day Revenge

Neighbor’s son, *Garth* graduated college about this time last year and got his first, full time career job at a company.

He’s in the IT dept of a branch office and does IT things. Total number of employees at this office is around twenty.

Some are sales, some work in the office. Karen is the office manager.

At first, he liked his new gig.

When Garth first started, there were three IT people. They had an office in the basement away from the rest of the employees.

This suited Garth just fine; he’s a quiet, introverted young man. Highly intelligent, but he’s not a social person. Would rather spend his time off gaming than live interaction.

As you can imagine, he’s not a big kid, maybe a buck-fifty after eating a big steak for dinner.

Then the work increased but not the pay.

The other two IT people eventually move on to other jobs and corporate doesn’t replace them.

Now Garth has three times the work without receiving a raise. Garth voices his concerns to Karen about workload and callouts, and he gets the standard feeble corporate responses and condescending lecture.

I don’t know why he didn’t quit then, but he stuck it out hoping to eventually be recognized for his worth, etc.

And his boss started bullying him for no work-related reason.

Whenever I spoke with him he’d say how bad it was working for Karen, but his saving grace was he was in his solitary office most of the day and did not have to have much contact with her.

Until one day back in February. He got a phone call from Karen telling him to come upstairs.

Upon arriving, he’s directed to start moving furniture around. Garth takes a look around and tells Karen his job does not call for moving heavy objects.

Karen gets loud and calls his manhood into question in front of everyone but Garth does not budge.

So, he decided it was time to go…but not yet.

Life changed for Garth after that. Karen had decided to make work miserable for him. She started repeatedly writing him up for whatever she could think up.

Here comes the petty revenge. Garth starts snooping and discovers that Karen is having an affair with a married co-worker.

Their work phones are synced up to the computer system, which Garth has access to.

Garth has created a mass corporate email with various screenshots of the texting. He rigged it to be sent out today – from her own email account.

He made sure he was gone before the poo hit the fan.

The beauty of it all: Garth walked in Friday and tendered his resignation to corporate HR. He left his ID card and whatever else on Karen’s desk.

Karen made a big deal of shouting to Garth as he was leaving to, “Not let the door hit him in the rear on the way out!”

When the email is sent out, they may well suspect that Garth was the perpetrator, but they’ll never be able to prove it.

I can only hope Garth’s revenge is sweet and spectacular.

This is pretty *chef’s kiss.*

Let’s find out if Reddit feels the same way!

She’s not going to know what hit her.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Perhaps one day they will learn.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

She doesn’t sound very bright.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

We need to know more!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

IT has the power!

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

You never mess with the IT guy.

Why have people not figured this out yet?

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.