Picture of the Day: This Surreal Uninhabited Island in Madagascar
On a return flight from Madagascar, reddit user fulminic flew over this uninhabited island and snapped this amazing photo. When he got home, he scoured Google Earth and was able to locate the remote island in East Madagascar.
The locals called it Antafana Island, and on his next trip he endeavoured to visit it. Reaching the island was an adventure in itself. On reddit he explains:
“I had to look for it on Google Earth. Then I located the largest nearby village and how to get there. To get this town we did a four day hike because it’s airport was inoperable. Of course there were easier ways to reach it, but we wanted to approach from the north, so by foot. The town was developed some how (touristic) and there were one or two nice accommodation run by French people. I informed about the island and they were able to take us there.” [source]
Located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Southeast Africa, Madagascar is a biodiversity haven and over 90% of its wildlife is found nowhere else on Earth.
For those fascinated by the aerial view above, be sure to check out our previous post on the ‘Underwater Waterfall’ Illusion at Mauritius Island.

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