June 16, 2017 at 4:46 am

The Shirk Report – Volume 426

by twistedsifter


Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to submit@twistedsifter.com



“Should we try it first?”, “No, go straight to mass production”
3 down, 10 to go
Lord give me strength
When you see someone trying to boil water with no lid
Baby games
Just exhausted
This guy’s mom uses voice to text when driving and sent this
When you’re lost but too stubborn to ask for directions
You reach, I teach
When male models fight
Dear Parents
You know it’s going to be a good day when
This duck standing atop a tent makes me happy
So this place exists (no, seriously)
First his umbrella busted and then this
This is trash
This is garbage
God bless
Until next week



The Liver: A ‘Blob’ That Runs the Body
Here’s How Much Businesses Pay To Get On Those Big Blue Exit Signs
How do you draw a circle? We analyzed 100,000 drawings to show how culture shapes our instincts
The GIF is 30 years old. It didn’t just shape the internet — it grew up with the internet.
Kansas Inmate Freed After Doppelganger Found 17 Years Later
The Search for an Antidepressant That Works
The True Story Of A Man-Eating Tiger’s ‘Vengeance’
Computer printers have been quietly embedding tracking codes in documents for decades
Jupiter Now Has 69 Moons
Quantum Computing Might Be Here Sooner Than You Think


5 VIDEOS + the freeze













Can’t Wait to Sleep This Weekend!


aodrip 3 The Shirk Report – Volume 426