11 Fascinating Charts About the Human Body
If you think you know a lot about humans, hang on tight!
Because you’re about to have your MIND BLOWN after you look at these 11 fascinating charts about the human body.
Take a look for yourself!
1. That is wild.
And kinda creepy!
This is what all the nerves related to your teeth look like.
byu/ForthDarken476 incoolguides
2. Good to know…
Just in case…
3. It all sounds painful.
Avoid the stomach! And the neck!
4. Through their eyes.
cool idea of how fresh new babies see the world
byu/crescentcelledarch incoolguides
5. This is important stuff!
So keep an eye on them!
6. Don’t ever start.
You’ll thank me later!
A Simple Guide Showing What Smoking Does To Your Heart!
byu/Bloody_Eclipse_47 incoolguides
7. And here’s why you should quit…
If you already started.
What happens to your body when you quit smoking
byu/liil_lil incoolguides
8. Take a look at this one.
And pay attention!
Breast cancer signs with lemons
byu/Consistent-Trifle834 incoolguides
9. Do you have a test coming up…?
If so, consult this chart.
10. No one here gets out alive.
It’s a fact!
11. Read all the details.
And commit it to memory!
I’ll never remember this mid-heart attack but this is good to know
byu/sweet_potato_75 incoolguides
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