December 13, 2022 at 3:52 pm

11 Fascinating Charts About the Human Body

by Matthew Gilligan

If you think you know a lot about humans, hang on tight!

Because you’re about to have your MIND BLOWN after you look at these 11 fascinating charts about the human body.

Take a look for yourself!

1. That is wild.

And kinda creepy!

This is what all the nerves related to your teeth look like.
byu/ForthDarken476 incoolguides

2. Good to know…

Just in case…

Know your worth.
byu/alchwarrior incoolguides

3. It all sounds painful.

Avoid the stomach! And the neck!

Tattoo Pain Chart
byu/toletpainter incoolguides

4. Through their eyes.


cool idea of how fresh new babies see the world
byu/crescentcelledarch incoolguides

5. This is important stuff!

So keep an eye on them!

[deleted by user]
by incoolguides

6. Don’t ever start.

You’ll thank me later!

A Simple Guide Showing What Smoking Does To Your Heart!
byu/Bloody_Eclipse_47 incoolguides

7. And here’s why you should quit…

If you already started.

What happens to your body when you quit smoking
byu/liil_lil incoolguides

8. Take a look at this one.

And pay attention!

Breast cancer signs with lemons
byu/Consistent-Trifle834 incoolguides

9. Do you have a test coming up…?

If so, consult this chart.

How long drugs stay in your body
byu/Aderus incoolguides

10. No one here gets out alive.

It’s a fact!

Causes of Death
byu/legoideacreation incoolguides

11. Read all the details.

And commit it to memory!

I’ll never remember this mid-heart attack but this is good to know
byu/sweet_potato_75 incoolguides

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