February 16, 2023 at 10:45 am

25 People Share What They Think Are the Most Annoying and Overused Comments on the Internet

by Matthew Gilligan


How many times have you seen people leave that comment on a post on Reddit and other social media sites?

A lot!

And I don’t know why, but it drives me crazy when people do that…

And today we’re going to hear from folks on AskReddit about the comments they think are overused and annoying.

1. All the time.

“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

2. Yup.

“This is the way.”

3. Always.

“NTA, divorce.”

4. Blowin’ up.

“Wow, I didn’t expect this to blow up.”

5. Constantly.

“Go to therapy. Get a divorce. Leave them.”

6. Obviously…

“Throwaway account for obvious reasons.”

7. Just asking…

“Asking for a friend.”

8. Are you hurt?

“Who hurt you?”

9. Tell me.

“Tell me you’re [x] without telling me.”

10. How original.

“”Not all heroes wear capes”

Very original!”

11. But…

“”I’m going to get downvoted for this but…”

Comment proceeds to be one of the most upvoted comments.”

12. Louder, please!


13. It’s over.

“”RIP DMs” after a girl posts a picture of herself.”

14. Here you go.

“Underrated comment.”

15. Into it!

“Have my upvote.”

16. Higher and higher.

“This post should be higher up.”

17. All the time.

“I’m not crying, you’re crying.”


“This comment right here.”

19. LOL.

“What a terrible day to have eyes.”

20. You’re not.

“Am I the only one who ________?”

21. Thanks!

“Thank you for the gold, kind stranger.”

22. How did this happen?

“How is this comment so low?”

23. Go ahead and tell me.

“Tell me that you are using an overused comment without telling me that you are using an overused comment”.

24. A real blast.

“You must be fun at parties.”

25. An old classic.

“We don’t deserve dogs.”

twistedsifter on facebook 25 People Share What They Think Are the Most Annoying and Overused Comments on the Internet