Is It Ever OK To Kick A Minor Child Out Of The House?
When people have adorable little babies, they don’t think too far down the road – at least, not to the nitty gritty details.
Once they’re teenagers and have their own opinions and make their own choices, should they also experience the hard-knock consequences?
OP knew her 17yo son had dropped out of high school. She also knew that he had no plans to complete a GED, but did not elaborate on what his plans are instead.
My son “Jimmy” is 17 and he dropped out of school said “doesn’t feel like attending anymore” and told me privately he doesn’t wanna get a GED and I didnt say anything because I didn’t know what to say.
She hasn’t bothered to tell her husband about the development since he works a lot of hours and isn’t around to see the kid home all day.
My Husband “Evan” works everyday he’s a doctor he’s always on call and recently has been asking my son what hes doing after highschool and Jimmy just changes the question and it’s started to get heated last month with arguments.
When he did find out, she came home to learn he had given the kid a choice between going back to school or leaving their house.
He chose to leave.
Last night I got home and Jimmy’s stuff was being picked up by his girlfriend “Rose” and I asked rose what was happening and she said Evan kicked him out and I was mad.
I walked in the house and me and Evan started arguing and I said “Why did you kick him out?”
And Evan said “you didn’t tell me he dropped out you told me he got suspended he just wants to live off us and I’m not having it so I said “School or Kicked out” and he said kicked out”
OP threw her husband out after she learned this, and seemed surprised that a majority of her family was on his side.
I told Evan to leave and he tried to say let’s talk it out but I kicked him out.
My mother called me saying Evan was right my sister said Evan overstepped his bounds but a majority of my family is on Team Evan
What about Reddit, though? Let’s find out their ruling below!
The top comment says that not only was OP wrong for keeping the facts from her husband, but that the husband wasn’t wrong for the direction he took.

Image Credit: Reddit
The second comment disagrees, saying that 17 is a minor and they’re not allowed to put him out, regardless of whether or not he’s attending school.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person says everyone sucks, agreeing that they should wait until he’s 18 to give him the boot (which would give him some time to prepare).

Image Credit: Reddit
But this commenter says that if he’s grown enough to drop out of school, he’s grown enough to live with the consequences.

Image Credit: Reddit
Several people pointed out that the kid was, in fact, offered a choice.

Image Credit: Reddit
I don’t know, y’all.
I probably wouldn’t kick my 17yo out, but I definitely wouldn’t allow adult children to just drift through life on my dime, either.
A tough one for sure!

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