March 10, 2023 at 8:17 pm

Woman Asks If She’s Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughter’s Passport?

by Trisha Leigh

If there’s one thing the internet has taught me, it’s that there are way too many people hanging around in terrible relationships for far, far too long.

I think you’ll agree this OP falls into that category after you read about how her husband is treating her daughter shortly into their marriage.

She claims he’s a man of god, but as they’re attempting to blend their family, she’s noticed that he complains about her daughter often. She’s either not trying hard enough to spend time with his kids, not watching his kids when he asks, or is making his kids uncomfortable with her “attitude.”

My husband and I have been together for 3 years. He has 3 kids from his previous relationship and I have one. She’s the oldest (17). He’s a dedicated man, puts God first and loves everyone.

My husband always complains that my daughter doesn’t spend time with her step siblings or him but she has reasons for that and that is school, health issues and work.

She does her best to spend as much time with them as she can. but she on the other hand complains that her stepdad tells her to basically take on the role of a babysitter whenever she’s with her stepsiblings.

My husband denied that and said that my daughter was making up excuses to not have to spend time with his kids.

In an attempt to help the family bond, OP booked a vacation for everyone. Her husband wanted to exclude her daughter, since staying home alone would “make her happy,” but OP told him to knock it off.

For this issue, I figured that a family trip is what the family need to get together and spend more time around each others.

My husband liked the idea but said that his kids are now “uncomfortable” around my daughter because of her “attitude” and suggested we let her stay home and have the house all to herself since that’s “what she always wanted”.

I told him it’s best that we all go. he kept complaining til I snapped and told him to stop

Then, her daughter’s passport disappeared. They searched until they found it – in his office – but he swore he had no idea how it got there.

I booked (paid) for the whole family. However, my daughter told me she couldn’t find her passport. We turned the house upside down looking for it but couldn’t find it. My husband said maybe it was a sign from God that we should let her stay home so the trip wouldn’t turn into a disaster.

I ignored his comment but later while I was cleaning his office I found the passport, tucked away in the 3rd drawer under a ton of papers. I was floored by this, I confronted him with it and he swore he had no idea why or how the passport got there.

I checked the upstairs camera and saw him enter my daughter’s room.

An upstairs camera busted him in his lie, OP cancelled the entire trip, and now he needs some time “with god” to think about how disrespectful OP has been lately.


That was it for me, I screamed my head off at him then cancelled the whole trip completely. He started arguing saying I overreacted and that he didn’t want his kids to be “miserable” on the trip and that willing to apologize to my daughter if and when I reconsider my decision regarding the cancellation of the trip, because my stepkids will be devastated but I said it was final and that it was done.

He become cold and distant and said that he wants to take some time to do some fasting and get guidance from God about how he should deal with the disrespect and control I had displayed lately.

AITA for cancelling it altogether?

I’m going to leave the commentary to Reddit on this one…

The top comment has a lot to say, because I think they’re trying to work out all of the nonsense for themselves.

Screen Shot 2023 02 13 at 9.31.13 PM Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport? Screen Shot 2023 02 13 at 9.31.25 PM Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport?

Screen Shot 2023 02 13 at 9.31.38 PM Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport?

Image Credit: Reddit

This person wants to know how she can ever trust him again?

Screen Shot 2023 02 13 at 9.32.14 PM Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport?

Image Credit: Reddit

And this comment flat-out says OP is only the a$$hole if they continue to let the man treat them and their daughter like this.

Screen Shot 2023 02 13 at 9.32.38 PM Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport?

Image Credit: Reddit

An atheist entered the chat to say if there is a god, surely he has plans for the husband.

Screen Shot 2023 02 13 at 9.33.18 PM Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport?

Screen Shot 2023 02 13 at 9.33.34 PM Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport?

Image Credit: Reddit

People are rightfully outraged.

Screen Shot 2023 02 13 at 9.34.12 PM Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport?

Image Credit: Reddit

Personally, I don’t know how OP got through even typing all of this without realizing what a true piece of work she’s married.

Here’s hoping her eyes are open now.

twistedsifter on facebook Woman Asks If Shes Wrong for Cancelling a Trip After Finding Her Husband Hid Her Daughters Passport?