He “Accidentally” Let Her Daughter’s Cat Outside. Should That Be The End Of Their Relationship?
by Trisha Leigh
Pet owners are a certain breed of people, and almost to a person, would be willing to sacrifice pretty much anything for their animals.
We know they depend on us for care, and honestly, we don’t really understand people who “don’t like animals.”
OP has a teenaged daughter and a new fiancee who recently moved in. Things are going great except for one thing – he doesn’t like her daughter’s cat.
He’s tried to make all kinds of weird rules about the cat and where it can and cant’ go, and even threatened that he thought things “would be different” once they were married.
I f35 got engaged to my fiancĂ© Eric m37 2 months ago. He moved in with me and my daughter Zoey f13. Everything was going well til he started complaining about Zoey’s cat which is strange because the cat is so sweet and quiet most of the time and so I had no idea what the issue was exactly.
Anyways, he went from complaining about the cat to making demands about her. He gave Zoey a list of places the cat can/can’t go, things she’s “allowed” to touch, banned her from places like kitchen and sofa (Zoey’s favorite place to cuddle with her cat).
Zoey showed me this list and I had an argument with him telling him he needed to stop this because it was ridiculous.
He ranted about this being his house too and how he expects things to change after we get married.
Then one day, her daughter was upset about not being able to find her cat, and when OP came home to help look, the neighbor said she saw the fiancee leave the cat outside when he left the house.
Few days ago, I was at work and got a call from Zoey crying saying her cat wasn’t in her room and in the house. I freaked out too and went home to look for her. Zoey and I looked for 2 hrs before a neighbor of ours brought her and told us that he saw Eric leaving her outside and getting in his car and leaving.
I was surprised and quite angry. Zoey took her cat and went back inside.
OP went to confront her fiancee (after they found the cat and put it back inside) and didn’t let the fact that he was with his family stop her from losing it on him.
I immediately drove to my future inlaws home where Eric said he’d be. The second I saw him sitting with his family I went off and blew up at him infront of everyone.
His mom asked what was happening and I told her her son got my daughter’s INDOOR cat outside the house probably hoping for her to get lost. He argued about wanting me yo stop spouting nonesense and go home and we’d talk there but I refused.
It got worse and I ended up leaving after his family flipped out at him.
Now he’s not speaking to her (his family was on her side) and isn’t taking her calls – and she’s wondering whether or not she should have waited to discuss the matter in private.
He sent a bunch of texts talking about the stunt I pulled infront of his family. He said that he didn’t mean to leave the cat out but after checking the cams I confirmed it.
He still insisted that I humiliated him in front of his family and tried to turn them against him.
He’s been staying with a friend and has stopped calling and texting.
AITA for blowing up on him infront of his family?
Reddit is going to have some big feelings on this one, I just know it.
The top comment says OP is not wrong – but she will be if she doesn’t kick this man to the curb.

Image Credit: Reddit
They say she should not ignore the huge character flaw he just put on display.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person thinks OP needs to take the warning he gave her seriously and leave before it’s too late.

Image Credit: Reddit
This commenter thinks OP should be glad he tipped his hand before the marriage and not after.

Image Credit: Reddit
They say there is no way to explain away the behavior and move forward.

Image Credit: Reddit
Parts of this post gave me the shivers, for sure.
I hope OP took these comments to heart and moved on with her life, cat and daughter safely in tow.

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