What Is The “Alien Starseeds” Movement And Why Can It Be Harmful For Your Mental Health
by Trisha Leigh
What is a starseed, you ask?
Don’t worry, because I am definitely going to tell you – and along the day, we’ll meet the people who very badly want to believe that’s exactly what they are.
There are a group of people online who refer to themselves as “Starseeds,” which means they believe they are reincarnated aliens who first arrived on Earth from varying planets and stars.
One Youtuber, known as “The Alchemist,” attempts to explain.
“Starseed is the modern name for what was known in antiquity as angels. They are residents of a higher dimensions that specifically incarnated into a human physical experience with the intention to help raise the collective consciousness of humanity.”
This concept has been around since the original New Age push in the 70s and has been revived with the recent rise of the wellness industry.
If you think this sounds a little bit out there, you’re not alone. That said, psychology professors Ken Drinkwater and Neil Dagnall think they can help explain why so many people are anxious to believe.
@angelic_technology what is it like to be a starseed?
They put it down to the Forer Effect, which is a common psychological phenomenon.
It posits that it’s easy enough to convince people to identify deeply with personality descriptions that can apply to almost anyone – especially when people want to believe they can still be unique, despite common traits.
There are many types of Starseeds, each of which come from a different cluster of stars, galaxies, or planets, and each have their own personality quirks.
Kind of like astrology or Myers-Briggs, but with alien homelands.
Psychologists say people are drawn to believing they’re Starseeds because it gives them somewhere to belong, and on its face, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
And yeah, people think there are actually signs…

Photo Credit: TikTok
So if we don’t feel like we belong… we belong in space?

Photo Credit: TikTok
Unfulfilled potential you say? What a second… I just might be…

Photo Credit: TikTok
Nope, not me…

Photo Credit: TikTok
Anyway, check out this video if you love to laugh.
@cristiancaminero DO YOU BELIEVE YOU’RE A STAR SEED? ⭐️👽 #greenscreen #starseed #starseeds #history #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualtiktok
Needless to say, the “starseed” movement can attract people with mental illnesses like schizophrenia, though, and those people likely believe they are actually aliens, which is less ideal.
Still… you should believe what you want, as long as you’re not hurting anyone else.
I’m just a human, so it’s possible I just don’t understand.
Categories: SCI/TECH
Tags: · alien starseeds, science, single topic, starseeds, top, viral

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