Woman Wonders Whether It’s OK To Lie About What You’re Feeding Someone If It’s Good For Them
by Trisha Leigh
Go ahead and buckle up, folks, because this one is a doozy.
You’ve heard of those cookbooks that help moms hide vegetables in their kids food, right? As a mom, you’ve probably been tempted to try a few of the recipes, if you haven’t aleady.
What if you felt the need to use them on your adult partner instead?
That’s the situation that OP found herself in, as her boyfriend refused to eat vegetables pretty much ever.
I (28f) have been with my boyfriend (36f) for a year and we moved in together about 4 months ago.
One of the first things I noticed about my boyfriend was that he never really ate vegetables. He would sometimes eat them if we were out at a restaurant and they came as part of his meal. But he never ate them when I cooked for him.
Originally I thought that maybe my cooking was the problem so I asked him if he enjoyed my food and he told me he loves my cooking. On nights I didn’t cook for him, he ate exclusively frozen foods and never ate the vegetables in those either.
He has health problems and vitamin deficiencies that she believed were the result, so after a while, she began to sneak veggies into his food. He ate it, never complained, and his health even began to improve.
Even after he told her of the improvements to his health, she kept her mouth shut about what she believed was the reason.
Naturally, he has some health issues. Vitamin deficiencies etc. he had phrased it to me as if he was somehow just genetically unlucky. I believed it for a while bc idk how that stuff works but eventually it became clear to me it’s because he voluntarily eats a vegetable like once a month.
6 months ago I started hiding vegetables in my cooking. If I was making pasta I’d put the vegetables in I’d usually put in for myself, then take half out and blend it so he wouldn’t notice the vegetable chunks and then tell him I’d just scooped the veg out of his portion. This happens more often now we live together because I do all of the cooking.
He’s been telling me a lot lately he’s been feeling a lot better the past few months and has even had his doctor reduce the dosage of some of his medications and he hasn’t had to take his multivitamin in weeks. I kept my mouth shut because I’m just glad he’s feeling better and it really does me no harm to hide the veg in his food.
Then, her blender quit and the truth came out.
Yesterday, I was making one of our regular pasta meals (it’s one that’s very easy to hide at least 4 veggies in) and i was about to blend my boyfriend’s portion when the blender died mid-blend. I had to serve it in all its veg chunk glory.
My boyfriend refused to eat the vegetables but when he tasted the sauce he said it’s weird how it tastes the exact same even though this one has veg in it. So, I confessed.
He screamed at her and left the house to stay with his sister – who agrees with him that OP did a horrible thing.
He screamed at me and called me a controlling bitch and said that it’s none of my business if he thinks vegetables don’t do anything. I pointed out he said he felt better. He said his health was none of my business and that I’m a controlling, judgey AH and stormed out of our apartment to stay with his sister.
His sister texted me to say he’s fine but she agrees with. him. My friends agree it’s ridiculous that he didn’t eat veg but agree I’m being an AH. AITA?
Does Reddit think she crossed a line? Let’s find out!
The top comment can’t believe this is a grown man we’re talking about.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person minces no words.

Image Credit: Reddit
They say it’s odd he was so mad, considering he never even noticed.

Image Credit: Reddit
While this person thinks the boyfriend should have been thanking her instead.

Image Credit: Reddit
This commenter thinks everyone else is focusing on the wrong issue.

Image Credit: Reddit
Yeah, I say this is definitely a dealbreaker.
Because of the vegetables, but more because of the way he thought it was ok to treat her. Bye.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, picture, reddit, relationships

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