He Fake Married Her In First Grade. Then She Gets Upset When He Replaces Her Picture With His GF When They’re Grown. Is She Mental?
by Trisha Leigh
If you read enough AITA posts on Reddit, you can start to recognize some patterns. This one, though…this one is new.
OP “married” her best friend from childhood when they were seven, and when they were in high school, they recreated the picture. Since then, her bff has carried it in his wallet.
My (22f) best friend John (23m) and I have been friends since we were kids. As kids we were very close and we had a fake wedding when we were 7 and 8. In high school we recreated the fake wedding pics and he had one of those pics in his wallet.
At least, he did until he started dating someone new. Now he doesn’t have much time for OP and she’s feeling left out and slighted.
Since he got with his gf Dinah (23f) around two years ago John has distanced himself from me. We still hang out but I feel like he always makes time for Dinah first instead of me.
The only way I can see him now is if we go grab coffee once every few days but other than that he won’t come to my house when we used to have sleepovers and movie nights and won’t invite me to his house either.
I feel neglected and hurt because we’ve been inseparable since we were small kids.
Apparently, seeing their photo replaced in his wallet was the last straw, and she voiced her complaints.
Couple of days ago I grabbed coffee with him at a coffee shop and when he opened his wallet to grab his card and pay I noticed he had put a pic of him and Dinah in the place he had our fake wedding pic.
I asked him about it and pointed out how I noticed to which the only thing he said was “what about it?” I was like really? Why did you have to take our picture out and replace it with him and Dinah?
He told her to grow up or give up their friendship altogether.
He said Dinah is his gf and he doesn’t understand why I’m making such a big deal about it. I reminded him she might be his gf but he can’t just throw me away, I’ve been his best friend since primary school, my pic existed in his wallet first and he throws it away to replace me with someone he knows significantly less?
He got annoyed and told me that once I stop being an immature annoying brat he’ll talk to me again, until then I better leave him to his peace because he’s not dealing with my “childish” tantrum.
AITA here?
OP isn’t sure what she did wrong (but I bet Reddit is going to tell her).
The top comment says that any friend should expect to take a backseat to a serious love interest.

Image Credit: Reddit
This person thinks OP just assumed one day the fake wedding would turn into a real one.

Image Credit: Reddit
They think OP has some pretty high expectations for friendship.

Image Credit: Reddit
This comment calls her actions “deeply unhealthy.”

Image Credit: Reddit
And they say good for the guy for finally realizing what’s up and moving on.

Image Credit: Reddit
This girl. Bless her heart.
Maybe she’ll learn her lesson (but I’m not holding my breath).

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