June 16, 2023 at 9:09 pm

She Told Her Friend That She Thinks He’s Disgusting. Did She Go Too Far?

by Matthew Gilligan

AITADisgustingFriend She Told Her Friend That She Thinks He’s Disgusting. Did She Go Too Far?

Well, that doesn’t sound very nice, now does it?

Absolutely not!

But did this woman have her reasons for what she said to her friend?

Check out her story and see if you think she was out of line or justified in her actions.

AITA for calling my friend disgusting during a time I was supposed to be supporting him?

“My friend James 24 is struggling with his girlfriend. They’ve been together for almost 3 years but he has gotten increasingly unhappy. He asked me to get coffee yesterday so he can do some venting. It’s okay I vent to him too. It’s a cool perk of our friendship.

We were drinking our coffee and I was letting him talk and he brought up her weight pretty quickly. I admit she has gained significant weight since they began dating. I believe James said she’s gone up 3 or so pants sizes.

James was saying how he does love her, he finds her plenty attractive still, and enjoys bedroom time very much. But then he started saying the problem is how it makes him look.

He said he “doesn’t want to be the guy with the heavy girlfriend” and he h**es when he goes out with groups of people and “girlfriend is the biggest girl there all the time”. He says he’s not really sure there’s a good way for him to bring any of this up too.

I got mad at what he was saying. His gf is one of the sweetest humans I’ve ever met. I know she deals with some mental health irregularities as well that probably contribute to her inability to lose weight. I told James that he’s a total a**hole d**kface and I didn’t meet him to listen to him fat shame a wonderful woman. I thought the problems were deeper.

I told him we were done and went home. He’s blown up my phone half apologizing and half saying that I agreed to hear him vent so I can’t get mad at what he’s venting about. I’m torn on if I was in the right to cut our vent sesh short.”

Here’s what people said on Reddit.

This reader said she’s NTA and made a good point about venting.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 5.07.17 PM She Told Her Friend That She Thinks He’s Disgusting. Did She Go Too Far?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said she should have used this opportunity in a better way but she’s NTA.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 5.07.43 PM She Told Her Friend That She Thinks He’s Disgusting. Did She Go Too Far?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And one Reddit user said she’s NTA and after all, she’s only human.

Screen Shot 2023 06 11 at 5.08.05 PM She Told Her Friend That She Thinks He’s Disgusting. Did She Go Too Far?

Photo Credit: Reddit

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