What Do You Dislike More as You Get Older? Here’s What People Had to Say.
I went out to eat at a restaurant with some friends a few months ago and the music was SO LOUD that I almost lost my mind.
And this was a laid-back Mexican joint, not some super hip place with DJs or something, so what gives?
I guess the moral of this story is that I don’t like unnecessary loud noise as I get older…it drives me nuts!
Now let’s hear what AskReddit users had to say about this.
“The general public.
It seems like most people today have zero situational awareness… almost everywhere I go they’re in their own little world oblivious to what’s going on around them.
Grocery shopping is the worst for this.”
It’s out of control.
“Starting to get really tired of manufactured outrage.
Every day, there’s something new to be outraged about across pretty much all spectrums. Politics, sports figures, celebrities, even just general life things that people write articles about, or tweet about, or whatever.
Constant outrage to get clicks and eyeballs. Gotta get people all riled up and steaming mad. Just getting sick of it, day in and day out. I don’t know if there’s an actual term for it, but to me I’d call it outrage fatigue.”
Stuck in the old days.
“Fashion trends.
Loved them when I was younger. Now I feel like a crotchety old woman when I look at low rise jeans coming back in disgust.
Now I get why older people sometimes get stuck in a decade clothing wise.”
“Socialising and going out.
Maybe it’s because of my first job, but I am more and more enjoying time to myself.
I’m also a huge introvert in general.”
“Politics. I used to give it so much attention and energy.
But it never moved the dial in my life. Now, I just try to keep my head down and take care of my business as sustainably as possible and without hurting anyone.
If at any point in my life I have more influence, I can start to give politics more attention. But not anytime soon.”
I’ll be in the back.
“Standing up at concerts.
I always used to want to be upfront standing the whole time.
The last time I went to a concert, I got lawn seats in the back and basically sat the whole time.
It was glorious.”
Can’t do it anymore.
I’m not a health-nut by any means but any time I eat something sugary like candy, cake, ice cream, etc, I just feel like it’s too sweet and I feel like it’s rarely worth the calories.”
Quiet, please.
“Loud noises.
I’ve come to love driving alone in the car with no music on or anything.
Just silence.”
“Patriotism – I speak from the USA, but I think it applies to all countries.
It’s bulls**t, all this energy poured into us first, us great, us alone, Yada Yada. My country right or wrong makes for a whole lot of of wrong.
As George B. Shaw said, “Patriotism is the conviction that your country is the best country in the world because you happened to be born there.””
“Not being able to just call the company and get someone on the phone who can help me.
It frustrates me to no end I have to search for eternity to even find a phone number in the first place. It makes me only want to not deal with your company even more.”
“Negative media.
Politics, religion, public freakouts, you think you enjoy watching someone being an idiot but it just makes you mad and if you’re spending hours a day consuming nothing but media designed to make you h**e people it ruins your mental health and also usually makes you one of those a**holes everybody h**es.”
Yeah, we’re all kind of curmudgeons, right?

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