He Knowingly Let His Mom’s Boyfriend Get Food Poisoning. Is He a Jerk?
by Matthew Gilligan
You must really have to dislike someone if you let them get food poisoning and don’t give them a heads-up.
But that’s what we’re dealing with here, folks!
So is this guy an a**hole for letting his mom’s BF get sick as a dog?
Get all the details below!
AITA for knowingly letting my mom’s boyfriend get food poisoning?
“I (24m) am visiting my Mom (54) for a couple of days. Yesterday evening I was in the kitchen preparing a chicken dish.
My mom’s Boyfriend (55) came into the kitchen to prepare a salad and asked me if he could use the cutting board. The cutting board and knife were still soaked with chicken juice and had tiny bits of raw chicken on it, so I obviously said no, that he should use the spare one. I was still busy with cooking, but had planned to clean both by hand and then put it in the dishwasher.
I am very cautious about food safety (especially regarding chicken) and I would not have let him used the board, even if he cleaned it by hand. Since I don’t trust meat contaminated tools, if they weren’t in the dishwasher.
My mom’s Boyfriend on the other hand does not believe in food poisoning. He never had it, so obviously it can’t exist. I don’t know why he is so unreasonable regarding this topic, since he is not like that with other stuff. He is not anti-Vax or anything, it’s just food safety he doesn’t believe in.
He still insisted on using the cutting board and knife. I reminded him of salmonella, to which he just sighed :” You and your salmonella…”. I replied that if he wants to use it then fine, if he cleans it, it may not be up to my cleaning standards, but I don’t have to eat that salad.
Well that man did not intend to clean the cutting board, he wanted to cut the vegetables, that he wanted to eat raw, on the dirty cutting board, with the dirty knife. I immediately told him, that he cannot do that and we had a heated discussion.
This was not the first time we had a fight about food safety and I have more than once refused to eat anything he had prepared. In the past I had grabbed the kitchen utensils out of his hand and ensured that he could not do stupid like that.
But this time I was already exhausted from having such a stupid discussion. I was also caught off guard, because he never attempted something so unsafe before. So I thought fine, if he wants to give himself salmonella so badly, then I will not stop him. I just warned my Mom how he prepared said salad (she did not eat it) and let him eat his food hazard.
You can probably guess what happened next.
It’s the next day and as expected, he is lying sick in bed.
My Mom pulled me aside and told me, I should have stopped him from preparing the salad on the cutting board. That I knew what would happen and that it was cruel of me, to let him eat it. I responded, that she knew how he prepared it and could have stopped him from eating it. Her reasoning is that there was already an argument, because she refused to eat the salad herself and she did not want to cause another.
I do feel bad that he is know sick, but I tried to talk him out of it and I don’t think i should have to physically stop him from doing something stupid like that. On the other hand I do feel like an a**hole for letting him go through with it.
So am I the a**hole?”
Check out what folks said about this on Reddit.
One reader said he’s NTA and his mom’s BF is a fool.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another person said he’s NTA and it sounds like his mom needs a new BF.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And one Reddit user asked a good question about this guy…

Photo Credit: Reddit
If this guy wasn’t going to heed her advice, it’s his responsibility.

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