Is She a Jerk for Walking Out of Her Own Baby Shower? Here’s What People Said.
by Matthew Gilligan
Have you ever walked out of an event that was thrown in your honor?
Yeah…that’s when you know that things have probably gotten pretty bad.
Is this woman wrong for what she did in this messy situation?
Let’s see what she had to say…
AITA for walking out of the baby shower my In-Laws threw for me?
“The situation is kind of a mess.
I (f27) am expecting my first baby with my husband. This is the first grandchild in the family (InLaws) and they said that if the baby’s a boy then we’ll give him my father In Law’s name (he’s dead due to cancer). I had no problem with that.
This happened before we found out the gender of the baby – my husband and his family had me “do things” like attend prayers and do other rituals before the reveal at the drs. I didn’t like that but went with it to keep the peace.
Dr appointment came, and it turned out to be a girl. My husband cried in the car then turned his phone off to hide from his family then finally told them. His mom and the others made their frustration & disappointment clear which bothered me cause my daughter deserves to be celebrated but, they ghosted me for days then started coming over & visiting constantly referring to my daughter as my son claiming the results were false and basically pretending it’s a boy.
I had several fights with them after they refused to stop it, and my husband sided with them despite seeing how wrong and unreasonable what they were doing was. We didn’t speak for a while
Sister In Law called to apologize then inform me she arranged for a baby shower for me. I was so excited and happy. But when I arrived I saw blue balloons, blue cake with Father In Law’s name/decorations around. I was so confused I had to sit down. Sister In Law explained they were “still” hoping the gender results are false and it’s a boy.
I looked at my husband and he agreed with her. I lost my temper and yelled at them all calling them delusional and telling them to stop treating my daughter like she’s unwanted and act like she doesn’t exist by throwing a party for “their imaginary grandson”. mother InLaw break down crying, I took my bag and walked out immediately.
They started yelling and my husband followed me outside and started arguing about how I insulted his family, and his dads memory by acting like that. I told him to wake up and see the insanity in his family’s behavior. He said they needed time to process the fact that it’s a girl not a boy as they expected and insisted I play along and “they’ll soon get over it”.
I said absolutely not and demanded he take me home, he said no so I called an Uber and left. He was fuming he called 15 times, then texted that he won’t be coming home til I “get my ass” over and apologize for ruining everything THEY’VE DONE FOR ME and accusing them of being mentally unstable.
I haven’t responded yet he’s constantly pressuring me to get right with his family before we even talk about anything else.”
Let’s see how folks reacted to this on Reddit.
One person said she should offer her husband either therapy or divorce.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another reader said she needs to get out of this relationship.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And one individual said she needs to think about her daughter and get out of this dysfunctional relationship.

Photo Credit: Reddit
This was such a weird story. What family does stuff like this?
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, baby shower, black text, family, in-laws, reddit, remake

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