July 20, 2023 at 7:37 pm

People Admit What Makes Them Think Folks Are Poorly Educated

by Matthew Gilligan

ARPoorlyEducated People Admit What Makes Them Think Folks Are Poorly Educated

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with not having a formal education.

Some of the smartest people I know didn’t go to college and a couple of them actually dropped out of high school and went back later to get their GEDs.

But, with all the resources we have available at our fingertips, I think you can still be poorly educated, aka ignorant.

And these AskReddit users talked about what makes them think that someone is poorly educated.

Take a look!


“The inability to understand that things are not black or white… Or the ability to understand that if one person is wrong, the other isn’t necessarily right, he might actually be wrong too mind blown

Right now with the Russia crisis, there are people calling the Wagner group leader a hero because he goes against evil Putin.

They can’t get it in their heads that this guy is likely even worse than Putin and is no hero. Is it really that hard?”

So gross.

“Treating people who speak with an accent like they are ignorant or inferior.

These people are literally communicating to you in a second language to them…”

Not getting it.

“The inability to understand nuance.

Everything’s very simple and easy to understand and they think you’re mental if you try to describe the shades of grey.”


“Using buzz words without knowing what they mean.

Especially when you ask them to clarify what they are talking about, and they continue regurgitating the same buzz words.”

Don’t fall for it.

“”If this post gets 200,000 shares, big corporation will donate a kidney to this brave little girl in desperate need.”

Actually commenting and sharing a FB post to win a custom RV because the last person they tried to give the prize to was underage, so couldn’t accept.

Or anything like that…”


“Some people make ignorance the core of their personality to the point that they’re actually proud of all the things they don’t know.

These are the same people who brag about not having read a book since high school.”


“The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”

– Carl Sagan 1995.”


“Lack of curiosity / unwillingness to learn.

I have talked to neighbors and coworkers that I thought were backwards and unintelligent and been very surprised by their willingness to explain their position and listen to mine and reconsider and learn and maybe even research a little. Those folks are intelligent and growing and have just come to a different conclusion than me and I can respect that even if I disagree.

I have family members who are way more book educated than I am who have drank the kool aid and believe what Facebook and certain news stations that are more like entertainment stations tell them in snippets. It’s like their brains turn off about certain topics and they don’t want to debate / understand, only parrot.

I don’t judge on grammar or appearance because I don’t know other people’s backstory. But if you can’t be open minded you are stagnant.

Someone I went to school with was telling online how their child asked a very reasonable question about a zoo animal while they were at the zoo and they laughed him off because it was about a bodily function and “kids will be kids!” I looked it up on my phone and had the answer posted in two minutes.

They were all “yeah figures you’d do that, you were always the smart one” and I said no, I have a phone and I used it. The kid was curious. I too was curious. He’s not going to know unless you tell him (too young for his own phone at the time).

Teach him how to find out and he will never be ignorant. The worst part is that this same parent was homeschooling at the time. Poor kid.”

Can’t grasp it.

“I don’t like to criticise people for lack of education because not everyone is afforded the same opportunities but I am astonished at the amount of people who have gone to school and everything in it seems to have rolled off of them like water off a raincoat.

There’s grown ass adults who have no grasp of really basic concepts taught in middle or primary school or who can barely read or write in their native language despite having graduated high school.”

I’m an expert!

“Claiming you know all about something really advanced that requires years of teaching and practice (law, medicine, science, engineering) all because you watched a few sh**ty youtube videos that only confirmed your bias.

And you’re certain you must be correct because a few famous people have the same opinion.”

For me, it’s all about spelling, grammar and punctuation.