People Share Anonymous Secrets That Could Destroy Their Lives If Anybody Knew
by Matthew Gilligan
It’s secret time, friends!
And we’re not talking about some everyday, regular, run-of-the-mill secrets.
No way!
We’re talking about the GOOD STUFF that could potentially ruin lives.
Check out what folks had to say.
In a tough spot.
“After fleeing domestic v**lence and trying to make a new life, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, I’m fighting it but I’m just so tired of life.
My last baby turns 18 this week and I feel like I’ve done all I’m supposed to. I’m sick of being strong for everyone else when all I want to do is go, I’m just so d**n tired.”
“I left my job at an electronics manufacturing company in 2002, but they continued paying me my full salary, including all incremental raises and annual bonus until they offered me a very generous redundancy package in 2022 due to ‘departmental restructuring’, including an £85,000 lump sum contribution to my pension fund. I even got the quarterly magazine and annual Christmas card sent to me.
In March of this year (2023) I got an invite to the 75th anniversary of the company, went along, had a great time at the free bar, and nobody realised I hadn’t worked there for over 20 years. You’ve got to love a good administrative error.”
“In high school, i stole the mp3 player of a classmate. Went into the locker room during PE and snatched it.
I didn’t steal it because i wanted it or to sell it, I just did it because she was an awful judgmental queen bee, and i wanted to get back at her. People saw me with it in hands, so the next day I was called into the principal’s office.
Steadfastly and self assuredly denied everything. They looked at my bag, then called my parents who searched my entire room for the stolen mp3 player.
They never found it, so I was let go. Still got into a fistfight with the girl later though, as she knew it was me.
To this day I’ve never admitted it to anyone, ever. I was that petty. I still don’t feel regret, even though I’m usually empathetic to a fault. She was that awful to others. I recognize it was wrong tho, definitely.
In any case, the MP3 player was burried in my garden as soon as I got home, and this garden is currently a mega store parking lot. It’s the silliest thing, don’t know why I’ve never admitted to it.”
Don’t say a word.
“My brother is the product of a r**e.
My mom told me. I don’t know if she told him.
She’s passed away now.”
“My non-bio grandfather s**ually ab**ed me.
He’s in a care home with severe Alzheimer’s now. Still processing it all. Only my partner knows.
Tried to tell my mum and she acted as if it was a normal thing to have happen to a 5 year old kid.”
Uh oh…
“The story everyone knows is my boyfriend and I voluntarily left our place of work because our relationship went against policy, and we valued our relationship more than our cr**py jobs.
The truth is we got caught f**king in my car before work, and left in order to avoid repercussions.”
Had a big problem.
“I hid the extent of my al**holism from everyone since I was 15, I’m now 35 and 8 weeks sober.
No one knows I’m sober now as they’ve never known I had an al**hol issue.”
The state doesn’t know.
“I collect welfare for being disabled, but at least once a week I double my pain meds in order to work for cash.
If the state found out it would be bad news, but I haven’t yet figured out how to survive on $900 a month.”
Hard times.
“I’ve gained over one hundred pounds since the start of the pandemic and fallen into the deepest depression I’ve ever experienced. If you were to see me in person, you wouldn’t think I was depressed, I’m very good at masking it.
But if you were to come to my home, you’d know. I haven’t had anyone in my home in almost two years. Right now I have bags of garbage that stink that I need to take out. I need to vacuum and mop my floors. My bed is broken on one side so I sleep at a slant.
My couch is covered in boxes, bags, and just nonsense. I haven’t folded my laundry in ages. My shower door is broken. I’m really struggling and I don’t have anyone. Both my parents live in different parts of the country. I’m an only child. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“First time I beat off was to a Dr. Seuss book, Oh The Places You’ll Go.
Go to the page with The Waiting Place. Far left side of the left page. There’s a woman holding skis and you can see the outline of her b**bs.
I know exactly where it is because I’m almost 40 now and it’s my 3 year old son’s favorite book.”
As always… very juicy…

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