People Share What They Think Are the Most Successful Lies in History
It’s strange to think about how lies can affect the course of history.
One lie can cause people to react in all different kinds of ways and can change how people live.
What was the most successful lie in history?
Here’s what AskReddit users had to say about this.
War games.
“During World War II, the British put faked documents on a corpse and dropped the body in the waters to be found by the Axis.
It detailed an attack that never happened.
Here’s the best part. The plans for D-Day were found in a similar manner. The actual plans. But they were ignored cause the N**i leaders thought it was just another ruse.”
Fooled them.
“One of the most impressive ones was when Great Britain convinced everyone during WWII that carrots were the reason why their vision was great when it was really the recently discovered airborne interception radar technologies.
I still know people that are convinced eating carrots as kids will ensure 20/20 vision for life.”
Right, Mom…
“”If you tell the truth you won’t be in trouble”.
Yeah mom, I fell for that a few times and learned that lesson quickly.”
“After 9-11, that we should invade Iraq so that we may, “disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein’s support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people”
When the planes were crashed by Saudis and Iraq had zero WMDs.”
A huge one.
“For several decades, major tobacco companies propagated misinformation and denied scientific evidence linking smoking to serious health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and other respiratory illnesses.
They employed tactics such as funding biased research, manipulating public opinion, and downplaying or concealing the harmful effects of smoking.
This deliberate deception allowed the tobacco industry to continue selling their products and profiting immensely, while millions of people suffered and lost their lives due to smoking-related diseases.
It wasn’t until the mid-20th century that scientific studies conclusively established the link between smoking and health risks, leading to increased public awareness, regulatory measures, and legal actions against the tobacco industry.
While the tobacco industry’s lie was eventually exposed and measures were taken to address the issue, its success for several decades in misleading the public and evading accountability makes it one of the most notable and damaging lies in history.”
Yeah, right.
“Trickle down economics.
George H.W. Bush even described it as Voodoo Economics, the idea that cutting taxes for the rich leads to more, better paying jobs is total c**p, they use all that money for stock buybacks and yachts.”
“”We will build a huge wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it”
– Donald J. Trump
“Trickle down economics will help the economy”
– Ronald Reagan
“I did not have s**ual relations with that woman”
– Bill Clinton.”
Total bulls**t.
“That the 2020 election was stolen.
Complete lack of evidence but since the former president said it millions and millions of people believe it, and it’s totally made up.
Every election from here on out will be put in doubt because of this lie.”
A hot take.
“The lie that circumcision is healthy. Circumcision destroys and amputates the most pleasurable part of the male body.
The excuses used to justify this mutilation on non-consenting infant boys are p**s poor! The nerve damage caused by circumcision is horrible, not to mention concerns of bodily autonomy and freedom of religion and choice on behalf of the to**ured infant.
I’m 16 and was circumcised at birth and I feel depressed and insecure about it due to my religious beliefs and the fact they shrunk and dried out my junk. The American Health System has failed me and my little cousin, forced to be circumcised by my narcissistic grandmother. This lie needs to be exposed, please spread the word! Thank you.”
A real whopper.
“Christopher Columbus discovering America.
It’s such a successful lie that it’s still being taught in the curriculum at all public schools in the states.”
As they say… history is written by the winners.
And the winners LIE!
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