She Told Her Husband and His Sister to Get Out of the Kitchen While She Cooked. Was She Wrong?
by Matthew Gilligan
Are you one of those people who really, REALLY doesn’t like other folks in the kitchen when you’re working your magic?
If so, you’re not alone!
Not by a long shot!
And this woman seems pretty fired up about having people all up in her grill when she’s cooking.
Did she act like an a**hole?
Take a look at her story and see what you think.
AITA for screaming at my husband and his sister to get out of my kitchen?
“My husband’s sister (38) lives with us and our kids. I’m well beyond fed up with her being here because of food issues. That’s the only reason.
So, basically, every single time I make food his sister will come in and “doctor up” the food I’m making to her liking. Like I made steak and shrimp the other day (like Applebee’s) and she waited until I left the room to put a full stick of butter in my shrimp- that was already done- and when I came back in, she goes “I’m pretty sure that’s the taste you were looking for” and completely ruined it.
It was trash. Or whenever I make spaghetti she will start dumping sugar in to the sauce, to a point of sweet spaghetti that me and my kids outright refuse to touch because it’s nasty. Every single time that she can get away with it, she’s doing something to the food.
Anyways, my husband has started doing the same thing. I went to make homemade Mac last night and cheese burgers. I went to the basement to the chest freezer to grab the veggies I needed and when I came back upstairs, my husband was putting canned chicken in to the Mac n Cheese (he knows the kids absolutely h**e the taste of that) and his sister has pushing blocks of blue cheese in to the partially cooked burgers.
I asked what the f**k they thought they were doing (because I’ve told them SO MANY TIMES to stop f**king with the food) and neither of them had any good excuse, other than “we were just helping”. I flipped out and told them to get the f**k out of my kitchen. Both of them told me I was overreacting, etc etc.
The thing is, I’ve openly asked my SIL to cook several times and she won’t. But she won’t stop f**king with the food I’m making. My husband cooks often and I don’t care if he screws with food he makes but it royally pi**es me off when my cooking is messed with and he knows that.
Check out what folks had to say about this on Reddit.
One person said she’s NTA.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual said next time this happens she just needs to walk out.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And one Reddit user said she’s NTA and that the food they want to make sounds gross.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Tbh, her SIL has overstayed her welcome!

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