‘I was laid off 15 years ago with 3 months severance pay and it was fantastic.’ Things People Say Were Awful As Kids But Awesome As Adults
There is a long list of activities that were way awesome when we were kids, and people love to lament all the time how youth is wasted on the young.
It is also true, though, that there are some things kids hate (like maybe road trips) that are far better once you’re grown up.
You can buy what you want.
Supermarkets and Costco specifically.
Or maybe this was just me because I grew up poor and my parents never let me get anything I wanted, just tag along and watch them buy staples.
Blessed quiet.
I recently learned that it is Adult swim time at my city pool that has a water slide.
As a child I was pissed like “whos stupid a$$ idea was this” as an adult I relish in adult swim 15 sweet sweet minutes of quiet bliss to just swim around
So satisfying.
A vacuum cleaner.
Especially when you hit a patch of crumbs and it does that crackly noise.
The best days.
A rainy Saturday spent at home.
On the sofa, under a blanket with my wife, watching some TV or reading.
An old joke.
Getting spanked.
This was way back, but I saw Steve Allen as a guest on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson hosting and they were just a couple of dirty old men joking around:
Johnny: “I’m guessing you were the class clown back in your school?”
Steve: “Yes, but the problem was that I went to a Catholic school, and when you’re a boy, being spanked by nuns every day isn’t fun.
Johnny: “Yeah, but now you’d pay a lot of money for that.”
The greatest beverage.
Water, as a kid I hated drinking water.
As an adult, I can’t get enough.
More plot, please!
Story or character driven movies.
I used to live for action movies, now I find the action sequences boring. Give me more plot, da**it.
So many options! Or no options!
Having absolutely nothing to do.
I was laid off 15 years ago with 3 months severance pay and it was fantastic.
I had time to sleep and exercise and read and playing video games and I swear it was the best I’ve felt mentally and physically since I was in high school.
My favorite things.
Socks for Christmas.
Yeah just socks in general, I have two favorite sock brands as an adult and it’s awesome
Not boring at all.
I remember as a kid always begging to go home after about 10 minutes of going over to my parents friends house because all they did was sit around and talk and drink and I thought they were the most boring people on earth.
Now I go over to my friends place just to sit around and talk and drink and it is a highlight of my week
We’re tired, ok?
Bath time. Man I love me a good bath now.
I always want to sit there and read a book or watch a show on my phone. Every time I end up just sitting there fighting sleep off lmao.
One small caveat.
Sweet silence.
Silence is golden… unless you have a toddler and then it’s just really suspicious.
Such a waste of money…and yet.
Shopping for home goods.
The absolute greatest.
Beds in general really.
You gotta roast them.
Roasting is key. I do not enjoy steamed veggies and I don’t think I have ever tried boiled. But roasting is what you do and then you slap some seasoning on and bam!
Tasty dish.
We’re all happy recluses.
Being at home.
I wouldn’t leave if I didn’t have to.
It’s the break, honestly.
When I was a kid, I HATED leftovers. Now, it’s like “ooh, I don’t have to figure out dinner for tonight!”
We still resist.
This is how I feel every single time, for decades at this point.
“I didn’t do anything I don’t need a shower”
“Eh, I’ll rinse off, but I won’t wash my hair”
“You’ll have to drag me out of this shower”
“That was exactly what I needed.”
“Eh. I’ve just sat Infront of a computer all day, I don’t need a shower”.
“Fine, I’ll shower, but I’m not going to do my hair”.
Learning is fun.
Being able to go to school.
I fantasize sometimes about being able to go back to school as an adult. i like to learn and didn’t have the best education.
It does make you think.
And maybe appreciate being a grown-up just a little bit more.

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