August 8, 2023 at 2:16 pm

Man Asks if He’s a Jerk for Not Going to His Twin Brother’s Birthday Party

by Justin Gardner

Attending Twin Brothers Surprise AITA Man Asks if He’s a Jerk for Not Going to His Twin Brother’s Birthday Party

Twins have a strange, cosmic connection but some of them are also weirdly competitive with each other and have strained relationships.

And it seems like there’s something fishy going on here with this fella and his twin brother and he’s worried that he might have gone too far and acted like an a**hole.

Check out what he had to say and let us know what you think in the comments.

WIBTA for not attending my twin brothers surprise birthday dinner when I was only invited as a guest?

“So I’m a twin, my brother and I hang out all the time and we are super close. In a few days its our (25m) birthday. We share the same friend group and we’re all really close and have been since school.

He has a close group of girl friends (about 5 of them) who I have also known for many years, I would class them as being closer with him in recent years but we are all still good friends and socialise often together.

Now, I have been added to a group chat labeled “my brothers name surprise dinner!” It is a surprise birthday dinner for my twin brother organised by one of the girls in that group and they have invited me as a guest.

One of them also said in the group that it would “be nice to see me as well” so I just feel like an afterthought. I wouldn’t really have minded if the girls wanted to organise a surprise birthday evening exclusively for my brother and themselves but they have also invited my partner and some of my brother and I’s closest friends.

This feels inconsiderate and quite upsetting as I can’t understand why I would be invited to my literal twin brothers surprise birthday dinner with me only invited as a guest as it is also my birthday involving all of our friends.

My girlfriend also found this action to be extremely rude and wondered why this girl didn’t just reach out to her and then they could have organised a surprise involving both of us instead or have just involved both my brother and I and left the surprise element out of it.

In the chat it is clearly stated that we are all to arrive at one time while my brother is due to arrive 20 minutes later. The thought of attending makes me feel weird because it’s just a celebration for “his” birthday when him and I are literally born on the same day.

This isn’t new information to the organiser. Also, every year my brother and I do something together because we want to and because we have the same friends, last year our friends and my girlfriend set up a massive dinner for our birthday to which everyone was invited, including the girl group.

So now I’m at a crossroads. I don’t know whether or not to attend. On one hand, if I don’t go I will feel left out because our mutual friends are going. But on the other hand if I do go, I will feel like I am letting myself be disrespected and I will likely feel uncomfortable as it feels like only my brother is being celebrated.

So, WIBTA if I took a stand and didn’t go?”

Here’s what Reddit users said about this.

This reader said he’s NTA and they wouldn’t go if they were him.

Screen Shot 2023 06 04 at 11.22.31 AM copy Man Asks if He’s a Jerk for Not Going to His Twin Brother’s Birthday Party

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said this sounds pretty cruel.

Screen Shot 2023 06 04 at 11.22.49 AM copy Man Asks if He’s a Jerk for Not Going to His Twin Brother’s Birthday Party

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Reddit user said this actually happened to their mom.

Screen Shot 2023 06 04 at 11.23.05 AM copy Man Asks if He’s a Jerk for Not Going to His Twin Brother’s Birthday Party

Photo Credit: Reddit

Yeah, twins are weird.