August 13, 2023 at 5:41 pm

‘The police were constantly getting called to their house.’ What’s an Obvious Sign That Someone Only Thinks Of Themselves? Here’s What People Said.

by Justin Gardner

Selfish People Sure Signs AR copy The police were constantly getting called to their house. What’s an Obvious Sign That Someone Only Thinks Of Themselves? Here’s What People Said.

You know what really grinds my gears?

When someone doesn’t hold the door open for other people!

Or when they don’t say “thank you” when folks hold doors open for them.

It just kind of makes me think that they are S-E-L-F-I-S-H.

Now let’s hear what AskReddit users think about this!

Take a look!

Back to me.

“They respond with how worse their situation is when you’re sharing your problems with them.

No try for help or listening, just trying to draw attention on their side.”

Taking advantage of you.

“They gladly take any favors you do for them, but when asked if they could reciprocate once, they get defensive and or aggressive and act like you’re the selfish one for daring to expect something in return.

It doesn’t make you a bad person to expect reciprocation in a relationship with someone else, romantic or platonic. Relationships are give and take and that makes them healthy.

It’s not entitlement to expect kindness if you give kindness. If you’re the only one giving, you’re being taken advantage of.”

Do you remember…?

“They don’t remember the times people helped them, but remember clearly all the times they have helped others.”

It wasn’t me.

“Doesn’t think they’re wrong in the slightest bit.

They can’t shoulder any bit of responsibility.”

Drama queens.

“Every bad thing you do to them is drama-worthy.

Every bad thing they do to you are details and should be moved on from, and why can’t you just do that?

You’re so dramatic!”

Here we go again.

“If someone else has done something slightly inconsiderate or annoying. The selfish person will expect you to take their side.

If you try to rationalise the other person’s behaviour – “I guess they’re going through a hard time at the moment” – the selfish person will treat it as a personal betrayal on your part and refuse to accept any nuance in the situation.

But then if the selfish person does something equally inconsiderate or annoying they’ll always have a ton of excuses for themselves.”

You are correct!

“When anything that happens to them is the worst thing in the world and whatever happens to you is not that bad and a waste of time talking about or dealing with.”

So rude.

“If you are in a group and there is one person that is constantly interrupting the middle of what you or anyone else is saying generally to brag about themselves with a ‘one-upper’ story, is generally a precursor to stop associating with them.

I’ve met too many of them in my days and they are more often than not happy to throw you under the bus whenever the opportunity arises.”

All about them.

“If they always talk about themselves.

I know many people that will just not shut up about their day an entire call then just leave when you start talking about yours.”


“My wife’s family. My mother-in-law is seriously ill in hospital and somehow they’ve made it all about them and how hard it is to support her.

I’m not denying it’s difficult and I’m happy to listen, but if you are regularly snapping at and falling out with the extremely sick lady for inconveniencing you and making you feel anxious, then you’ve got a problem.”


“My former neighbors are bad al**holics. Every night is a Friday night. Weekends are like New Years.

The police were constantly getting called to their house, their kids not only destroyed their property but other people’s as well. Their junk was always strewn all over multiple yards.

Their landlord evicted them. My neighbor was pissed and fought hard in court to stay because they “paid their rent” via assistance.

It was everyone else’s fault but theirs. It was the landlord’s fault for being biased against them. The neighbors fault for complaining about their kids. Their parents fault for not helping more. Everyone bears the blame but them.

All I can say is it has been so peaceful since they’ve been gone.”

Remember… hurt people hurt people.