Their Parents Won’t Learn Sign Language So They Refuse To Visit Them. Are They Wrong?
by Matthew Gilligan
There’s a saying that goes, “a parent’s love knows no bounds.”
Today, we seem to have found the bounds.
Quick show of hands… if your child became deaf… how many of you would work DAILY on learning sign language so you could communicate with them?
Oh… all of you? Cool.
Consider that when you meet the only parents in the world who apparently find it too much work to learn how to communicate with their child.
Yeah, I’ve got some opinions, and so does the internet.
Take a look.
AITA for telling my parents I would not visit them again until they learned sign language?
“When I was 18 I was in an accident that caused TBI, resulting in me losing most of my hearing in both ears, making me deaf. I didn’t qualify for cochlear implants, so being deaf was just my new reality.
Obviously this derailed my life for a while. University got pushed back, and I was depressed for a long time. Eventually I got back out there, discovered the deaf community, learned ASL (american sign language), and at 26 I now feel very content with my life.
My parents were devastated by my accident, and our relationship has never been the same. A few years ago I told them I have embraced being deaf, and I asked them if they would learn ASL, as that is now how I prefer to communicate. They said no at the time because they didn’t have time to learn a new language. I have tried many times over the years to try to give them information on deafness and ASL, but they have shown no interest.
We communicate now mainly by using voice-to-text on our phones, which is far from perfect, and very chaotic when multiple people are talking. Trying to keep up with conversations is exhausting, and people are constantly getting frustrated with me for not following along. Often we watch movies, but they refuse to turn the captions on because it’s “annoying”, despite the fact that it means I can’t understand the movie at all.
This past Christmas, I once again struggled with conversations, which once again resulted in me being either ignored or yelled at. Before I went home again, I sat my parents down and told them that if they did not begin to learn ASL, I would not be visiting again for a long time.
I told them I don’t expect them to ever be fluent, but I need them to show effort in learning. I told them that they have continuously dismissed my needs as a deaf person, and that if they want to continue to have a meaningful relationship with me, we need to have some kind of shared language.
This didn’t go over well at all, as my parents accused me of wanting to cut them off, which isn’t true. I just can’t do any more visits where my presence feels like a burden. My brother and I have been texting since then, and he thinks I’m being hugely unfair.
Now let’s see how Reddit users reacted.
This reader said that this person’s parents are being very unfair.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And another Reddit user made it clear: the parents in this story are horrible.

Photo Credit: Reddit
And this individual said that it seems like the parents just don’t think this relationship is very important based on their actions.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Good for this person for setting boundaries and sticking with them.
The idea that somebody wouldn’t put forth the most minimal effort to learn how to COMMUNICATE with their child is jaw-dropping.
These people are truly jerks.

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