Did This Parent Make A Mistake By Forcing Her Daughter To Eat A Salad Rather Than Chicken Nuggets And Fries?
by Justin Gardner
Parenting is tough, y’all. Every day presents a new challenge, and few of us come out unscathed.
The following parent recently recounted a story about a time when she went out in public and had a really embarrassing situation happen where somebody accused her of bodying shaming her daughter over a lunch order.
The reason?
Take a look…
AITA for making my daughter eat salad while my son gets chicken nuggets?
I have two kids : a 7 year old son and a 9 year old daughter. Every other week I take them to activities in a certain mall and in between we go to a local fast food chain in between.
Now I do usually have my kids have a healthy diet but for those rather rare occasions I let them choose whatever they want. I don’t believe going to a fast food place but then restricting their order so they won’t enjoy rather unhealthy food makes sense.
So the kids menu comes with many different options and the menu even has pictures of all the food. They go every week so they know.
My son chose chicken nuggets and fries as the main, a drink and a cookie for dessert. Just what I would have expected My daughter picked the chicken Caesar salad. I did not expect that, asked her if she was sure, explained it did not come with fries (she loves fries). She insisted. Last time I had the salad and she tried one of the croutons and a piece of chicken and loved them.
I did not care too much, and a Ceasar salad is great, it’s not like just snacking a few salad leaves like a rabbit. There is sauce, cheese, chicken, fried chicken and croutons as extras. Plus she had the ice cream for dessert.
Well the food came, we sat down and after taking a few bites she started complaining about the food. She saw my son eat his chicken nuggets and dip the fries in sauce. She asked him for one, he let her try the fries and gave her a nugget as he usually can’t finish all anyways.
Then she decided that instead of the salad she wanted fries now. I said no, she has to eat the salad. Or well, i would not make her eat it but I won’t buy her fries instead. My argument is that she choose it, she is old enough to make that choice and there is nothing wrong with the salad , it looks delicious. I even offered to give her some of my meal (a Baguette sandwich ) but she wants nuggets and fries now.
She started throwing a fit. I ignored it, told her to sit and eat or at least stop screaming now or there would be consequences.
Some old Lady heard her and I guess she picked up the “it’s not fair that he gets nuggies and fries and she has to eat “that stupid salad”. Well, the lady went off on me. How i am treating my kids unfairly and how I should not body shame my daughter.
I told her to get out of my business and shut up, she does not know what she is talking about.
Note: my son is extremely slim for his age. He is a very active child and quite tall. He is underweight but his doctor said it’s nothing to worry about as long as he is eating normally, it can be that way for kids his age. My daughter is on the heavier side of average. The doctor is also not much concerned here, her weight is within what is okay, just on the higher end of that. So it might have seemed like it was because my daughter is not as extremely skinny that she did not get the fried food which is not what happened
AITA for making my daughter the Salad she chose instead of buying her nuggets and fries like her brother!
So what did Reddit have to say? Oh… plenty!
This person said NTA and that the parent was only trying to teach her daughter good life lessons.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Another agreed and offered that strangers really should be ignored when it comes to things like this.

Photo Credit: Reddit
The comments definitely seem pretty unanimous, and this person points out that all this parent was doing was NOT ordering her daughter double the food.
In fact, this was a valuable lesson in not being wasteful.

Photo Credit: Reddit
For what it’s worth, I completely agree with the parent in this situation.
All they were trying to do was NOT be wasteful.
If that makes them an ahole… well… I’m the biggest ahole of them all!

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