What Do You Regret Doing When You Were Young That Still Affects You? People Shared Their Stories.
by Justin Gardner
There are still some things in my past that I look back on and I can’t help but cringe.
Things I said or did when I was young that I sincerely regret now and that still make me hang my head in shame.
That’s part of growing up but it can still be painful.
Check out what AskReddit users had to say about things they did when they were young that still affect them.
The accident.
“One time when I was 6-7 I rode on a 4-wheeler with my older sister. We hit a dip in my grandparent’s pasture, my sister fell off and she went under the rear tire.
She needed immediate surgery. My grandmother still blames me for it and it has affected me deeply. For years I listened to how my sister almost died due to my negligence.”
Sibling rivalry.
“Being so mean to my younger sister in our childhood.
I often wonder how much I contributed to her current mental health struggles.
It eats me alive some days.”
Terrible advice.
“Stop exercising / any kind of working out because I was told my movement is awkward. Tried to shrink myself because I was a tall girl that stands out of other kids, which ruined my posture.
Now I have a very bad scoliosis that cause mild but chronic back pain. It’s very visible as my waist is not symmetrical. Might have to go under a big surgery, putting braces to my spine, in the next 3-4 years.”
Bad idea.
“In middle school, I jumped from the top of a slide and landed flat on the bottom, hurting my back.
Pretty sure I’ve never recovered.”
Mean kids.
“In 2nd grade, a friend of mine and I were really mean to another kid with some type of mental challenge.
It wasn’t something we did more than this one instance, so idk if I’d call it consistent bu**ying, but him and I said some nasty things to him on the last day of school.
I should have known better and regret it to this day.
I have seen his profile pop up on social media, and I do occasionally get the desire to reach and out and apologize, but I’m not sure it would be worth it so far in the future.
Nonetheless, I really wish I could talk some sense into myself back then. The boy didn’t deserve that. Nobody would have.”
All alone.
“My senior year of high school there was a classmate that sat by himself at lunch every.single.day.
I often thought about going to sit with him and never did. My heart still hurts from never doing it and that was 20 years ago. I can’t find him on social media or anything.
I truly hope he is out there living his absolute best life.”
Staying alive.
“Not going on with my education, or getting into a career. I have cystic fibrosis, I genuinely didn’t think I’d live long enough, so why waste time and money?
Now I’m 42 thanks to science. Sheesh.”
A difficult thing.
“Not going to the vet with my dad when he had to put my dog down.
She had heartworm in the time before treatments. I was 10 or 11 and instead of going to be with her in her last moments I cried in bed. I feel so bad for it even decades later.
I’ve been sure to be with every pet in their last moments since.”
Harsh words.
“I called one of my mom’s ex boyfriends poor and ugly when I was 9. He didn’t deserve it at all, I was just f**king mean.
He always drove us around in an old bronco and I hated it. Now that I’m older I realize his car was so badass and he loved it. He only wore “raggedy” clothes because that was his style and he loved himself some ripped jeans and skater shoes and to be covered in tats.
I always remember him now as an adult as one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. He was nothing but nice to me and I was a fu**ing little a**hole. I wish I knew where he was so I could apologize for being a little s**t and I hope he’s happy living his best life.”
“Cross country.
Goofed off with friends during warmups. Ankle and calf got caught while I was in a dead sprint, loud snapping noise as my knee went. Healed okay-ish, was able to get back to running a year or two afterwards but it’s deteriorated over the years
Early 20’s now and I have to use a cane to get around. Can’t go running anymore, can’t go hiking anymore. Stairs take a lot of effort, too many flights and I struggle to walk even with the cane. Some nights I have a hard time falling asleep because it aches so bad.
Take care of your knees y’all, you don’t know what you’d be missing.”
I’m glad a lot of these people realize that they did some messed up stuff when they were young.
Hopefully they grew from these experiences.

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